Monday, November 7, 2016

This mangoes can destroy cancer, blast fat, reduce cholesterol and many more!

Even though mango is in the same family as poison ivy and oak, it is far from dangerous. To the contrary, it basically provides a wide plethora of health benefits, from digestion to immunity.


Mango contains glutamine acid, a compound which is actually a very powerful brain-healthy protein. According to a study, “It clearly plays an important role in neuronal differentiation, migration, and survival in the developing brain… Glutamate also plays a critical role in synaptic maintenance and plasticity,” which means that it’s the ideal fruit for boosting memory and concentration.


Being abundant in soluble fiber, which absorbs the cholesterol-rich bile which is produced by the liver, mango lowers cholesterol levels. It contains vitamin C as well, which is crucial for the protection against damage.


Given that it is an excellent source of vitamins A and C as well as many carotenoids,  the consumption of mango is very helpful when it comes to preventing common diseases like cold and flu.


Since they are quite juicy, the fact that mangoes promote hydration doesn’t come as a surprise.  To prepare a refreshing and healthy mango juice, simply chop the fruit, put it in a blender along with a bit of water, and blend until smooth.


It has been found that mango increases virility in men and libido activity in both men and women. Its vitamin E content regulates hormones and it also improves sex drive, sperm production, and blood flow. Plus, the amino acid arginine found in mangoes has been found to treat erectile dysfunction.


As mentioned above, mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, a nutrient which is crucial for eye health. It also contains large quantities of vitamin C, which is critical for immunity, production of collagen, and the absorption of iron.


Mango promotes proper digestion due to the enzymes and fiber it contains. According to a study done on the relation between mango and chronic constipation, “Compared to the consumption of fibre, the consumption of mango in the treatment of chronic constipation had higher subject adherence, improved parameters of intestinal evacuation, reduced the production of endotoxins, reduced inflammation, and increased the concentration of short chain fatty acids, all of which have been established to contribute to intestinal health and wellness.”


Mango is highly alkaline food which balances the internal acid levels.  A pH balance which is lower than neutral is associated with muscle impairment, osteoporosis, and kidney disease.

Its antioxidants have powerful antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties while fisetin, one of the phytochemicals found in mango promotes brain health.


Mangoes contain powerful cancer-fighting antioxidants, such as methylgallat, quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin,  and gallic acid. According to a study done at Texas A&M University,  “These results of the study indicate that the cell-killing effects of mango polyphenols are specific to cancer cells, where inflammation was reduced in both cancer and non-cancer cells, seemingly through the involvement of miRNA-21 — short microRNA molecules associated with cancer…The tumor-fighting potential of mango polyphenolics may at least in part be based on those same properties which reduced cancer cell proliferation and reduce inflammation that may be involved in carcinogenesis.”


Mango works similarly to pharmaceuticals when it comes to treating metabolic processes and preventing the increase of fat mass and it also reduces LDL cholesterol at the same time.

This is probably due to phytochemicals which regulate blood sugar. This doesn’t come as a surprise, given that mango is low on glycemic index and it also boosts pancreas function.

According to a 4-week study, the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients were the same as those of non-diabetics when mango was added to their diets.


Mango leaves are not available in the supermarket because they are skin irritant due to the high levels of urushiol.

However, the leaves have been long used to treat liver disorders, diarrhea, snakebite, asthma, anemia, insomnia, etc.

Mangiferin is the most abundant antioxidant in mangoes and it is present in all parts of the tree. This antioxidant is responsible for its capability to regulate healthy cell activity.

Note: Those who are not fans of the mango fruit are recommended to include mango kernel flour in their diet, a flour which can be used in all baked goods.




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