Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Doctors have no explanation: Just boil this mixture can cure, arthritis, cancer, gallbladder, cholesterol and 10 other diseases.

The mixture of honey and cinnamon has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, but has only recently been gaining attention in the west. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices on Earth. It contains essential oils and enzymes and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which work great against many diseases when combined with the anti-microbial properties of honey.

This powerful remedy can help you cure arthritis, lower your cholesterol, protect your heart and even cure cancer!

Here’s what else the remedy can heal:

Heart disease
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder and eat it on a piece of bread for breakfast. This will reduce the cholesterol in your arteries and prevent heart disease.

Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of warm water then drink the mixture every day to cure chronic arthritis and reduce the pain caused by the condition.

Gallbladder infections
To eliminate bacteria in your gallbladder and prevent infections, drink a mixture 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water.


Colds and the flu
The next time a cold or the flu brings you down, take a tablespoon of honey and ¼ of a teaspoon of cinnamon for 3 days and you should feel much better.

Stomach ache
Take a mixture of honey and cinnamon regularly to prevent stomach aches.

Weight loss
Boil some cinnamon powder and honey in a pot of water, then drink the beverage every morning an hour before breakfast to lose some weight.

Strengthens the immune system
Consuming the mixture on a daily basis will reinforce your immune system and help it fight diseases.
Apply a paste of cinnamon and honey on areas affected by acne and leave it to work overnight. Rinse with water in the morning and repeat the process until you see results.

Hair loss
Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon and apply it on your scalp for 15 minutes to treat hair loss. Rinse your hair with water afterwards.

According to recent studies, a mixture of cinnamon and honey can treat stomach cancer. Patients suffering from this disease should eat a mixture of a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder for 3 months.

The best way to prepare the mixture is to boil some honey in a pot, then add the cinnamon and continue boiling until the mixture caramelizes. Take a tablespoon of the remedy every day as a preventive measure against numerous diseases and conditions.

Source: truefeed




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