Monday, December 5, 2016

Hurry up! This article is being erased in the internet because it really works

This drink is 100 % natural and it cleans our arteries from toxins, chemicals and fats that could do us damage.

It also protects us from colds and flu and eliminates infections that can change our blood circulation, cleans the liver and reduces the effects of the free radicals.


8 garlic cloves
8 units of lemon
Ginger root (4-5 cm / 1.5 inches)
Water (4 liters / 135 oz)


First, wash the ginger well and peel it. Then, chop it in tiny bits. Do the same with the garlic. In the end, chop the lemons along with their peel and put all the ingredients in a blender. We blend them altogether.

Next, take a pan and leave the water to boil along with the mixture we’ve just prepared. When the water starts to boil, we remove it from the fire and we leave it to cool down. After that, we strain the liquid and store it in glass bottles. This drink should be consumed every day at least two hours before your first meal. In some time, you’ll see that you’ll start to feel much better and you’ll be full of energy!



1 comment:

  1. bunch of bullshit with no proof, and what the fuck is a unit of fucking lemon???



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