Sunday, October 16, 2016

Here the 10 signs that your body is full of parasites, must read!

Imagine having parasites in your body, sounds terrifying isn’t it? If you do not have experience with them, it may sound strange to you and you will ask yourself – how is it possible for that to happen. That is what makes people not aware of this problem, and everyone should be careful because everyone is exposed to the parasitic infections.

Those parasites can cause many troubles such as instant disease as you become infected and some need time to start ruining your life and that is due to the toxins that they produce – that is why some of them need a while before starting causing troubles. The most awful thing about them is that they live in the body and are actually feeding of it. Pinworms, dientamoeba fragilis, trichinella, tapeworms, hookworms and labia are the types of parasites and some of them even lay eggs inside the body and feed on the red blood cells and the food that the person consumes.

For those who are wondering how can those parasites enter your body here is your answer – it is obvious through the mouth or skin, traveling to areas that have parasite infestations, close contacts with pets, weak immune system and poor hygiene.

This article will maybe help you to detect if there is a parasite in your body with showing you the warning signs that can indicate the parasites. And they are:

Change of appetite and weight loss – What can indicate a pinworm or tapeworm infestation is combination of increased appetite with weight loss. You may already guessed why is that so – because the parasites eats the same food you consume and that is why you feel hungry more than usual, so in case you notice this happening to you immediately go to the doctor.

Fatigue and weakness – What will leave you depressed, exhausted and a feeling of apathy is a weak body and the body can become weak when there is malabsorption of essential minerals, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. And can you guess what is causing the malabsorption of the vital nutrients? – The intestinal worms feeding on the food you consume. And we already mentioned that they can produce toxins inside the body and that is what will make your organs to work harder in order to eliminate the waste causing fatigue, low energy and weakness. If you sleep and eat properly but you are still feeling fatigue, consult your doctor.
Abdominal pain – What can lead to bloated feeling and pain is a parasite that lives in the upper small intestinal region because it will cause inflammation and irritation. The pain in the upper part in the abdomen is caused due to blocked passage of waste products to exit from the body and the parasites are capable of doing that. Fluke, hookworms, tapeworm and roundworm are connected with this kind of pain.
Chronic digestive problems – The intestinal lining to the gut is destroyed when there is inflammation caused by intestinal parasite infestation, and that is leading to chronic diarrhea. If you consume foods high in fiber and that are highly alkaline every day and you still get to have diarrhea, visit a doctor.
Anal itching – When the female worms lay eggs at night it often appears anal discomfort or itching. There is a big change of secondary bacterial infection if the area is being scratched because then the skin will be easily broken down. Because this usually occurs at night, you might have trouble sleeping. If this does not stop for a period longer than 2 weeks you should visit a doctor.
Skin issues – Parasites can also cause many skin issues such as eczema, hives, rashes and many other forms of allergies, and that is due to the toxins that they release in the body. But the worst part is that they can even lead to brittle hair, hair loss and dry skin. If you experience unexplained skin issues visit your doctor.


Pain in the muscles and joints – There are few parasites that invade the soft tissue in the muscles and joints and that can result in irritation and pain and this is usually mistaken for arthritis. This kind of pain is due to the immune system’s response to the toxins that parasites release. If you can’t handle the pain visit your doctor.
Teeth grinding – The waste and toxins released by the parasites in the body can cause anxiety and restlessness and then bruxism happens during the sleep time. This symptom is usually affecting the kids, so if you notice teeth grinding in your children, pay a visit to the doctor.
Mental distress – Anxiety, depression, mood swings and visual hallucination may appear during the parasite infestation. The toxins released by the parasites may damage the neurons and neurotransmitter and that is what causing the above mentioned conditions. If you feel depressed most of the time or you experience sudden mood swings visit a doctor.

Anemia or iron deficiency – We already know that the parasites are feeding on the same food you consume, so that means that they steal from your vitamins such as iron and that is why it can lead to iron deficiency. Anemia is affecting the development and growth of the children so if there is a slow growth and weight loss in children take them to the doctor immediately.




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