Friday, January 27, 2017

Stop eating this food immediately! It causes 4 types of cancer!

With over 7 billion consumers in the world, hot dogs are the most popular type of fast food ever. However, this type of food is very dangerous for our health – according to a recent research, hot dogs are responsible for 4 types of cancer!

Hot dogs were originally introduced to America by German immigrants in the 19th century. Since then, they have gained immense popularity and have become a fast food icon. The WHO has recently released a report that all types of processed foods such as red meat can cause numerous types of cancer. Hot dogs are made from a mixture of pork, beef and chicken. Factories also use leftovers from pork chops and animal by-products such as heads, fatty tissue, skin and feet. During the manufacturing process, these ingredients are mixed together and additives such as corn syrup, nitrates, salt and chemicals are added. Most of these additives have been confirmed to cause cancer.


Many health institutions rank hot dogs in the same category of cancer-causing substances such as cigarettes. Nitrates and nitrites are the most harmful additives in hot dogs – when heated, they bind to amines and create nitrosamines which are very dangerous for our body. Nitrosamines have been known to cause pancreatic, stomach, colon and bladder cancer.

The American Institute for Cancer Research says that people who consume only a single hot dog a day have a 21% higher risk of colorectal cancer. Even organic hot dogs contain nitrites, which is why you should avoid this type of fast food.

Source: healthyfoodteam

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

7 common symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4% of the women between the ages of 40 and 60 suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. So is B12 vitamin that critical for the body? Yes, it is.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause serious health issues as it is required to make red blood cells, nerve development, DNA, and various other bodily functions. Apart from age, various other factors such as certain common medications and lack of meat intake lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.

You all will agree that diagnosing a problem is the crucial step to finding a solution. So it’s vital for everyone out there, especially all you ladies in your 30s, to be well aware of the symptoms of B12 deficiency. Given here are some of the common early symptoms that might warn you of the deficiency.

1. Dizziness

Frequent episodes of dizziness/vertigo and a wobbly feeling are a common symptom of B12 deficiency. Often, we dismiss the wobbly feeling when we stand up after sitting for too long as “head rush”. However, with age, the constant dizzy feeling might point to something major, which in this case might be vitamin B12 deficiency.

2. Pins And Needles Sensation

It is common to feel the “pins and needles” type of sensation if you compress any body part for too long. However, if you feel this sensation without the compression, you might be suffering from B12 deficiency. Numbness and electric shock waves are also common symptoms. This uncomfortable feeling is a result of nerve damage caused due to less oxygen levels in the cells.

3. Complexion

Vitamin B12 largely aids in red blood cell production, and its deficiency results in less RBCs, which in turn result in a pale complexion. The idea of vampires is beautiful, but let’s just keep that limited to books and movies.

4. Forgetfulness

You know that weird feeling when you are talking to someone on your cell phone and you are wondering at the back of your mind, “Where did I keep my cell phone?!” This is perfectly fine, but it can be alarming when you keep your car keys in the refrigerator or forget the names of your close friends.

If such instances are a frequent occurrence for you, don’t mistake them as signs of early dementia. These symptoms might be an indication of vitamin B12 deficiency.

5. Constantly Tired Or Sleepy

Do you struggle to stay awake during afternoons even after 8 hours of sleep? If you are suffering from chronic fatigues, it can be a symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency. Due to less RBCs in blood, your cells struggle to receive enough oxygen, resulting in tiredness.


6. Muscle Weakness

Struggling to pick up the grocery bag or laundry? Often, we women ignore these symptoms as simple struggles of our busy daily lives. However, if these episodes of weakness are frequent, then it’s time to test your B12 levels.

7. Vision

Light sensitivity, spotting, and blurred or double vision are a few common vision issues experienced by people with vitamin B12 deficiency. In certain cases, it may even lead to optic nerve damage.

So if you observe even one of these symptoms, visit your doctor and get yourself checked for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Source: curejoy

Baking soda shampoo: It will make your hair grow like it's magic!

Tired of the chemicals in shampoos ruining your hair? Try this shampoo made with baking soda for better hair growth and better quality hair.

If you love herbal and completely natural hair care products for your beauty routines, if your hair repels chemicals, you will love this homemade shampoo. This product can easily turn those bad hair days around.

You might not like the non-foamy quality of this shampoo at first, but wait until you see the results.


- Baking soda
- A squeeze bottle
- Apple cider vinegar (ACV)



- Mix 1 part of baking soda in 3 parts of water in a small squeeze bottle.
- For shoulder-length hair, mix 2–3 tbsp of baking soda in 3 times the amount of water.

Directions For Use

- Apply this concoction to dry or wet hair. Start with the roots and work till the ends.
- Leave it for 1–3 minutes and rinse well with cold water. Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t foam well.
- To wash the last residues, rinse your hair with warm water.
- Apply a vinegar rinse after you’ve washed your hair well.
- Mix 1 part of ACV with 4 parts of water. If you hate the smell, add a few drops of lavender or peppermint oil to the mixture.
- Tilt your head back to avoid the mixture from getting into your eyes.

Source: healthyfoodteam

The real causes of Appendicitis and possible complications!

Appendicitis is a disease which indicates inflammation in the appendix. Located attached to the large intestine and forms such as a finger. When the appendix is infected with the bacteria then become inflamed and swollen. The solution, most advisable to do surgical removal of the organ.

The cause of appendicitis has not been established until now. However, the entry of germs like viruses, bacteria, and fungi sometimes perform deployment to in the appendix. The germs then do infection and inflammation arises that the pain was not unbearable.

Several types of bacteria that can cause appendicitis are bacteroides, adenovirus, salmonella, shigella, measles, until mucormycosis fungal and histoplasmosis infection. But the cause is not only limited to these germs.


Appendicitis requires immediate treatment. Delay in treatment may result in the emergence of complications of the disease. When the pressure in the appendix increases, the levels of blood that passes through the wall of the appendix will decrease. This can lead to blood deficiency effects and can lead to death.

Therefore, the handling of appendicitis is an emergency. Especially if the intestine to rupture, infection in the abdominal cavity become heavier. Patients may experience a blood infection called sepsis that causing fatality risk. Surgical removal of the appendix is necessary so that the infection is not to end up with complications and death.

Appendicitis can be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet. Foods rich in fiber is recommended that the process of defecation take place normally. Contamination of air pollution and likes to eat western-style foods known to trigger this disease.


Monday, January 23, 2017

7 Reasons to do a kidney cleanse and what to juice and eat for a good flush!

The organs in our body, which are responsible for detoxification, are kidneys. We need them for removing wastes from our body. They also help in the balance of body fluids and creating urine, along with assisting with other bodily processes.

If you want to maintain good health, then you should learn more about the kidneys cleanse and find out why you should perform it. Also find out which juices to drink, what foods to avoid and which foods can help you in eliminating toxins and waste from them.

But, before finding out more details about kidneys cleanse, some people may need to consult with their professional healthcare provider before starting. If you already have some kidney problems or medical conditions that require a specific diet, then you should first consult with your doctor.

When you start the process of kidney cleanse, you may want to start it slowly. You should also test the ingredients in your kidney flush by replacing one meal at a time with a juice.

– Why to perform a kidney cleanse?

There are a lot of reasons for flushing toxins and wastes from our body. From reducing bloating and preventing kidney infections, a kidney detox is one simple and helpful way for promoting better health.

Here in this article, we are going to present you a few reasons for following a kidney cleanse for several days. Here they are:

1. Reduce bloating

When the kidneys become backed up with toxins and waste, you may experience bloating, as the function of the kidneys gets impaired.


2. Prevent fatigue

When our kidneys are not in good shape, we may experience some fatigue. Because of this, our body will start having some difficulties in processing some foods, which may limit our ability to absorb nutrients and convert food into energy.

3. Prevent kidney infections

If there are waste and toxins in our kidneys, they can eventually lead to infection. But, a good kidney flushing will help in solving this problem.

4. Correct bladder problems

When our kidneys become clogged with waste and toxins, there can appear some bladder problems, which can be frequent or infrequent.


Kidney stones can be usually created because of a buildup of fats, so by cleansing your kidneys the chances of developing painful kidney stones will be cut down.

6. Protect your skin

When our kidneys cannot properly filter out the toxins from our system, we can experience some skin breakouts, like acne, and eczema.

7. Correct hormonal imbalances

Since the kidneys are part of our digestive process, we are going to be at a higher risk of developing a hormonal imbalance, when they are not functioning as they should.

– How can be a kidney cleanse performed?

There are a lot of different ways for performing kidney cleanses and they all typically last for five days. So, if you are interested in performing it, consider using some of these two options – you can either perform a juice fast for five days or eat a raw fruit and vegetable diet on days 1 and 5 and fast on juices for the rest of the days of the cleanse.

There is a variety of different juices which you can use, in order to flush your kidneys. If you choose the right fruits and vegetables, then they will be very beneficial for detoxification of your kidneys.

Here we are going to present you 4 juice recipes, which include a perfect combination of produce which are known for helping in the process of kidney cleansing.

Here they are:

1. Radish kidney detox

Needed ingredients:

– 6-8 radish;
– ½ head of purple cabbage;
– 8 ribs of celery;
– 1 lemon;
– 1-inch ginger root.

Whenever it is possible, use organic produce and wash them before using them. Put all the above mentioned ingredients through your juicer and serve. This should make one portion which can be a meal replacement during the process of kidney cleanse. But, if you want to make more for a few meal replacements, multiply the quantity.

2. Carrot – cucumber kidney cleanse juice

Needed ingredients:

– 8 carrots;
– 2 green apples;
– 1 large cucumber.

From this quantity, you can make one portion. To make more for later, multiply the quantity.

Wash all the above mentioned ingredients and put them through your juicer. This one is a light juice, which may be more suitable for a midday meal replacement, as opposed to o a breakfast meal replacement.

3. Kidney watermelon flush

Needed ingredients:

– ½ watermelon (or fresh coconut water);
– 1 lime (peeled).

When you are juicing a watermelon, always include a rind. It is one of the best things for breaking down any stone calcification in the kidneys.

Cut the watermelon into chunks and juice or blend them with a peeled lime. The lemon will help your body in absorbing the nutrients 5 times better. Also, don’t be afraid to drink the juice in big glasses, if you can handle it, as it cleans the kidneys in a very effectively and fats way.

4. Cayenne and citrus kidney cleanse

Needed ingredients:

– 1 lemon;
– ½ a lime;
– A dash of cayenne pepper;
– 16 ounces of water;
– 1 tablespoon of raw honey (or to taste).

By trying this drink, you may want to start each of your days by drinking it. The combination of lemon, lime and cayenne pepper will help you in clearing the detoxification organs. You just need to juice the lemon and lime and mix them with 16-ounces of water with raw honey to taste. You can also add a dash of cayenne pepper to taste.

– What kind of foods you should eat, in order to cleanse your kidneys?

Besides using the above mentioned recipes, there are also some foods which you may like to include into your diet, in order to help cleansing your kidneys. The following few items are known to help flush toxins and clear wastes from your kidneys and digestive system. You just need to try to include more of these foods in your diet.

Here they are:

1. Celeriac – it is the root of the celery and it has a rather unattractive appearance, but it is great food for kidney health. It can provide an abundance of nutrients, which are very beneficial in flushing the kidneys. By using celeriac, you can make a nutritious kidney-cleansing broth.

2. Asparagus – it has diuretic and alkaline properties which are very helpful in preventing or dissolving kidney stones. It helps in breaking up oxalic acid crystals which are formed in the kidneys.

3. Watermelon – it is primarily comprised of water, which makes it a natural diuretic. In order to drink the juice of it, eat watermelon. One of the key components of performing a kidney cleanse is adding foods that boost your digestive system and aid the process of moving food through your system.

4. Lemon juice – almost every kidney cleanse that you will find, contains it. It is known for preventing the formation of kidney stones and it can also help in breaking down toxins and waste in the kidneys. Regularly drinking lemon juice is also helpful for reducing the going to the washroom in the middle of the night.

5. Herbs and spices – there is no kidney cleanse, which will be complete without them. Ginger and turmeric are one of the most powerful couples of spices. Both of them contain powerful antioxidants that can assist the function of our kidneys. Turmeric is helpful in reducing inflammation and it also prevents kidney infections. Other herbs and spices which can be also helpful are dandelion leaves and nettle.

Cleansing your kidneys is one simple way of preventing bloating and other signs of kidney trouble. We recommend you to use the recipes mentioned above, or you can also look for other juice recipes which include some of the already mentioned foods and spices.


The philippine doctor is shocked. He found a solution to get rid of diabetes in just 5 minutes!

We all know that one of the most common and serious disease of our time is diabetes, and because the weather is starting to affect organs like the kidneys it is even more life threatening, because it causes a variety of damage and can often lead to amputations and blindness.

The highest number of sufferers from this disease is in the Philippines, according to the International Diabetes Federation.


However, recently Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco finally found a cure for diabetes. He dedicated his life in finding a cure for this very serious disease.

He made a mixture that contains minerals that are necessary for fighting diabetes.


12 pieces of peppers
2 raw eggs
½ teaspoon sea salt
Preparation and use:

Carve and grind the peppers so they blend well with the eggs. Then add half a teaspoon of sea salt. Your remedy is ready and you can drink it.


Friday, January 20, 2017

There is no more natural way to control sugar in the blood: All it takes is one boiled egg

Nearly 350 million adults worldwide have diabetes, according to the newest research published in The Lancet, a British medical journal. Over the past three decades, numbers have more than doubled, making diabetes an “epidemic,” say the experts.

Diabetes is a condition in which body cells do not use sugar (‘glucose”) effectively, and blood sugar levels are chronically elevated. Over time, this causes illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and neurological damage.

Type 2 diabetes, the most common form, often goes hand-in-hand with carrying extra pounds—being overweight or obese. So, just keeping fit and managing weight helps reduce your risk.


Eggs in the diabetes wellness plan

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who has diabetes today, you probably know that taking care of your diabetes involves healthy exercise, healthy weight, and healthy eating. And eggs are a perfect complement to a healthy meal plan. Nutrition researchers have discovered that eating eggs in the morning helps keep blood sugar and insulin levels under control all day long.

Benefits of Eggs

A whole egg contains about 7 grams of protein. Eggs are also an excellent source of potassium, which supports nerve and muscle health. Potassium helps balance sodium levels in the body as well, which improves your cardiovascular health. Eggs have many nutrients, such as lutein, which protects you against disease, and choline, which is thought to improve brain health. Egg yolks contain biotin, which is important for healthy hair, skin, and nails, as well as insulin production. Eggs from chickens that roam on pastures will be high in omega-3s, which are beneficial fats for diabetics.

Simple egg and vinegar recipe 

This is the best way to fully feel the benefits of boiled eggs. After you peel the boiled egg, put it in a bowl and make a few holes in it with a fork. Pour vinegar over it and leave it overnight. In the morning, eat the egg while drinking a glass of warm water mixed with 1 tbsp. of vinegar.

This recipe is easy to make and it it extremely efficient in regulating your blood sugar levels. You should definitely try it.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Take watermelon seeds and boil them: The results will shock you! (recipe)

Who doesn’t love watermelon? It is especially a treat in the hot summer days. It is not just delicious and refreshing, it is also a cleansing fruit. When it comes to watermelon seeds, it is something no one wants to have. They are best thrown away and most of us think if there were no seeds in the first place.

These types of seeds consist of nutrition which includes fatty acids, essential proteins and a lot of minerals. These types of seeds are full of vitamin B just like thiamine, niacin, foliate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Besides, they’re a great resource of calories along with 100 grams of watermelon seeds offering about 600 grams of calories.
The seeds of watermelon are also potent antioxidants and are effective in the treatment of angina, hypertension, erectile dysfunction and arteriosclerosis. These seeds will boost blood circulation and the expansion of your blood vessels.

Watermelon seeds are healthy ingredient which is particularly useful for treating diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Using tea from fresh watermelon seeds will remove stones and sand in the kidneys.

To take maximum advantage of the medicinal properties of the watermelon seeds, you need to cook them, grind them or bake them.


Recipe for watermelon seeds tea:

First of all, crush and ground four tablespoons of fresh watermelon seeds. Then, boil the watermelon seeds in 2 liters of water, for around 15 minutes.

Note: use this mixture in the next 2 days, and take one day break. Repeat this treatment for the next couple of weeks.

Below you can find all health benefits that watermelon seeds have to offer:

Protect the heart

Full of magnesium, the seeds assist safeguarding your heart, therefore it could work normally. Additionally, it maintains blood pressure level and enhances metabolism process. The seeds are fantastic to avoid us for suffering heart diseases as well as hypertension.

Slow down the aging process

Due to antioxidant properties of this seeds, aging will be slowed down and your skin will have younger look.

It Is Great For Treating Acne

When you use watermelon seed oil on your face your acne problems will be resolved, just use a cotton ball to apply it directly on your face.

Strengthen hair

These seeds have high protein and amino acid content which will easily strengthen your hair. Also, roasted watermelon seeds will make your hair shiny because of the copper they contain which produce melanin – a pigment that gives color to your hair.

Prevent hair damage

The seed has essential fatty acids which will help to avoid hair damage.

Rich source of magnesium for better immune system

The advantages of consuming watermelon seeds make a lot of supply of magnesium which is present in food like wheat, rice, oat and cocoa powder. Pantothenic acid is known as vitamin B5 which is essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy.

Treat edema

Toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in a teaspoon of honey, and then put it in a ¾ cup of warm water. Mix it well and consume this mixture 2 times daily. It will help you with edema issue.

Enhances Male Fertility

The lycopene antioxidant in watermelon seeds is definitely an excellent and efficient home remedial method to boost the male potency levels in men. This ought to be possible by including the dried seeds within the everyday diet.

Treats diabetes

To control diabetes, put a handful of watermelon seeds in 1l water for 45 minutes. This is a worthy benefit due to the prevalence of diabetes within the population.

Source: healthyfoodhouse / KHL

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Man dies of nail biting habit, doctors warn of health risks!

A perpetual nail-biter died from his nervous habit after multiple warnings from his doctor.

John Gardener, 40, had a nail biting problem so severe he contracted a septic infection that spread from his fingers and eventually caused a heart attack.

Gardener’s doctors say he would bite his fingers until they bled. His fingers were so damaged from the habit before his death that they became numb reports New York Daily News.

Gardener’s general physician, Dr. Daniel Vernon, said the his fingers were in “constant poor condition.”

“John’s nails were always in poor condition, and they were often bleeding when he came to the doctors,” Vernon told the Mirror.

Gardener’s problem was likely fueled by his anxiety and depression, which he had in the years leading up to his death. He was diabetic, which made him more prone to infections.


Gardener’s habit became a medical emergency when one of his fingers became infected. Doctors first treated him with intravenous antibiotics but decided the tip of his finger had to be removed.

After his surgery, Gardener showed signs of improvement. But days after his 40th birthday, he had a sudden heart attack. Doctors believe it was caused by the infection in his finger.

Orthopedic surgeon Chye Ng said he was shocked by Gardener’s death.

The passing of John Gardener was really upsetting and shocking for all of the team,” he said.
John’s mother, Jean Gardener, was in disbelief when she first heard that news that her son had died.

“It was such a tragedy, we’re all in shock,” she said. “It’s really hit our family hard, there could’ve been more done to help him. I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else’s son — it’s just devastating.”


How often should you have s*x according to your age (chart)

Do you have too much or too little sex? The problem is that we have less time to spend some quality time with our partner, plus all the stress of modern times, and the fact how different we are only adds to that.

For some people having sexual intercourse twice a week is enough, while a for others that can be either too little or too much.

Research conducted at the Institute Kinsey revealed how often individuals have sex, if we take into consideration their age, and here we show the results:

18-29: On average 112 times a year;
30-39 years: on average 86 times a year;
40-49 years: on average 69 times a year.


Otherwise, 13 percent of married couples have sex only a few times a year, 45 percent of them several times a month, 34 percent two to three times a week and 7 percent of them four or more times a week.

The website “Your Tango” then conducted its own survey among readers who are married, to find out the minimum, average and ideal number of sexual activities for one month.

Minimum: Once a month;
Average: Once a week;
Perfect: Three to five times a week.

Source: allday

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Squeeze 1 lemon with 1 tablespoon olive oil and you will remember me for the rest of your life.

Natural medicine is taking a lot of strength in recent times, thanks to this with very little money can cure many diseases and risk of side effects.

This time we introduce one of those natural remedies that include many benefits, in fact there are several properties which are found in this wonderful combination of only two ingredients.

All you have to do is combine olive oil and lemon juice in a teaspoon, and ready. It’s basic, simple and has its past and benefit health issue. Keep reading to you you find out your benefits.


This combination helps lubricate the digestive mucosa, also activates the function of the bladder and bladder. It contains antioxidants that help us get rid of toxins and help in any case to the proper digestion of food



Olive oil is rich in fatty acids, these help control and improve blood circulation and also removes the bad cholesterol, which helps blood flow. It is also anti-inflammatory and provides many vitamins.


When we feel swollen, heavy and tired, commonly because our body is intoxicated. Help your liver to expel these toxins.


Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, every morning a teaspoon of this recipe combat these annoying pains.


To strengthen weak, fragile, brittle or splintered, make a mixture of 1 tbsp nails. extra virgin olive oil with 1 tbsp. lemon juice where you’ll soak your nails for 10 minutes before going to bed. You can also sleep in fine cotton gloves to allow the mixture of lemon and olive oil, nails penetrate overnight.

Oil and lemon can help the hair to become healthy, strong and shiny, and can help control dandruff. Antiseptic and astringent lemon qualities can help treat skin disorders. Mix and drink 1 tbsp. olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice to help maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.

As you can see the effects of lemon and olive oil is excellent, hope will be helpful.


14 signs showing that your blood sugar is very high!

The blood sugar level in the body indicates the amount of glucose in the blood, which is a type of sugar which is the main energy source for the body.

We consume glucose through food, and it is being distributed to all cells throughout the body.
High blood glucose(blood sugar), or technically, hyperglycemia, occurs when the body cannot use glucose properly( type2 diabetes), or it has insufficient amounts of it (type 1 diabetes).
If this condition lasts longer, for instance, for months and years, it will permanently damage certain body parts, including the kidneys, blood vessels, nerves, and eyes.

In diabetics, the blood sugar levels can be increased due to various different factors, including:

-over-treating an episode of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
-missing a dose or taking a wrong dose of the diabetes medication
-a lack of exercise
-an illness, like a common cold
-overeating, such as snacking between meals
-certain medicines, like steroid medication

Additionally, children and young adults may also experience occasional episodes of hyperglycemia during growth spurts.

High Blood Sugar Symptoms

Increased blood sugar levels do not necessarily  mean that you have diabetes, as high blood sugar is a symptom od diabetes.

In some cases, people with hyperglycemia, do not experience any signs of the condition.
However,  these are the most common symptoms of high blood sugar:

-Frequent urination and/or urination during the night
-Blurred vision
-Difficulty concentrating
-Dry mouth
-Recurrent infections
-Slow healing of cuts and wounds
-Stomach problems
-Constant fatigue or extreme tiredness
-Increased thirst
-Dry and itchy skin
-Constant hunger
-Excess abdominal fat/weight gain
-Nerve problems

Reduce Blood Sugar Levels With Glycemic Food

The Glycemic Index or simple GI indicates a number of carbs in foods which increase blood sugar levels, and it can vary from 0 to 100.

High-GI ingredients are processed much faster than low-GI foods, so the consumption of the latter will reduce insulin levels. Moreover, those foods are also beneficial for losing extra weight.
The following list includes foods together with their glycemic index:


Low GI Foods
(Foods with a GI between 0 and 54 are low Gi foods. You should consume them on a daily basis.

One egg – 0
One cup of hummus equals – 6
One cup of broccoli – 10
One mid-sized yellow onion – 10
One cup of walnuts – 15
One cup of cherries – 22
One cup of cashew nuts – 22
One cup of yogurt – 23
One Turkey sausage – 28
One cup of kidney beans – 31
One cup of butter beans – 34
8 ounces of tomato juice – 38
One mid-sized apple – 38
One cup of spaghetti – 42
One cup of green grapes – 46
Eight ounces of pineapple juice – 46
One large carrot – 47
One medium orange – 48
One large grapefruit – 50
One large banana – 52
One cup of peas – 54
Moderate GI Foods
(foods with a Gi between 55 and 69 are considered to be moderate GI foods, so you should consume them in moderate amounts)

One cup of brown rice – 55
One tablespoon of raw honey – 55
One cup of oatmeal – 58
One cup of regular white rice – 64
One serving of macaroni and cheese – 64
High GI Foods
(High Gi foods are between 70 and 100 on the scale, and their regular consumption causes various severe health problems. It is highly recommended to avoid these foods)

One slice of regular white bread – 70
2 cups of popcorn – 72
One doughnut (glazed) – 76
One rice cake – 78
One mid-sized baked potato – 85
One serving of corn flakes – 92
50 grams of glucose – 100

Our diet dramatically affects our general health, especially blood sugar levels. Therefore, if you experience these symptoms of hyperglycemia, you should make some dietary changes and try to naturally maintain a healthy balance, before it causes further complications.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Prepare it before the pharmacists erase it! 4 tablespoons of this and you can say goodbye to high blood pressure and clogged arteries.

The mixture we are suggesting today contains three incredibly powerful natural ingredients, and it will help you to fight common colds, infections, and cardiovascular problems.

The combination of these ingredients is much more effective and beneficial than any of them alone. It is, in fact, a traditional German recipe that has been used for centuries to boost overall health.

It contains ginger, lemon, and garlic.

This is how to prepare it:


4 cm / 1.5 inches of ginger root
4 unpeeled lemons
4 garlic cloves
2 liters / 67.6 oz of filtered water


Method of preparation:

Wash the lemons and cut them in slices. Peel the ginger, and the garlic cloves. Then, place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a homogenous mixture.

Then, place the mixture in a pan and heat it by slowly adding the water. Stir and heat until it boils. Then, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool. Strain and pour the remedy into glass bottles and keep them in the fridge.


You should consume this remedy daily, 2hours before a meal, twice a day. Shake the bottle well before us as the ginger might remain on the bottom. Also, you should not worry about the smell of garlic as it is neutralized due to the lemon and ginger.

Enjoy this potent natural remedy and treat high blood pressure, unclog arteries, boost your heart health, and strengthen the immune system!


Cure for melting stones in the kidney and the gallbladder!

Sand or stones in the kidneys and gallbladder are common health condition which is usually caused by a buildup of chemical particles in the kidneys and gallbladder, respectively.

Try this natural remedy which can naturally soften and dissolve kidney and gallbladder stones and you will get quick relief from the pain.


9 oz of lemon with the peel
9 oz of extra virgin olive oil,
9 oz of parsley root (ground)
9 oz of powdered brown sugar,
9 oz of raw honey
(or equal amounts of all ingredients)



First, wash the lemon well, cut it into pieces and mix it in a blender. Peel the parsley root and repeat the same procedure as with the lemon. Combine the ingredients and add then add honey, olive oil and the powdered sugar. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogenous mixture.

Take one tablespoon of the resulting mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Keep the mixture in the fridge in a glass bottle because it can spoil. For best results, take two doses of this mixture. Each dose should be freshly prepared because it can easily go bad.

The mixture is very effective in dissolving stones and sand in kidneys and gallbladder. This mixture is tasty and refreshing and it is helpful for other health conditions as well. You should drink plenty of water or other liquids during this treatment.


Mix bananas, honey and water: can disappear cough and bronchitis!

People of all ages can develop bronchitis. Bronchitis is an inflammation, swelling or infection of the bronchial tubes between the nose and the lungs. It can be caused by a bacteria or a virus.

Some of its common symptoms are:

-Difficulty breathing
Cough with mucus
Nasal congestion
Chest Pain

This condition can be acute or chronic. Fortunately, there are several simple and natural remedies which can ease the symptoms of bronchitis.




400 ml of boiling water
2 medium ripe bananas with dots
2 tablespoons of honey (add it when the mixture is cooled because honey loses its nutrients at high temperatures)


Peel the bananas and mash them with a plastic or wooden fork or spoon. A banana becomes darker if you mash it with metal cutlery.
Put the mashed bananas in a pot and pour the boiled water. Let it stay covered for half an hour.
When the mixture is cooled, add honey. Optionally, you can strain the mixture if you want.


Drink this remedy slightly warmed 4 times a day (100 ml each time). Prepare a new drink every day. In only 5 days time, the cough will stop and bronchitis will disappear.

Moreover, this drink will improve your sleep quality. Bananas increase the night time serotonin levels. Sometimes natural solutions are much more beneficial than the expensive chemical remedies!


Sunday, January 15, 2017

This leaf is a blessing from nature: Combat insomnia, high blood pressure, sugar and fat in the blood.

Laurel properties are not used only in the culinary world to flavor our meals. It is also used as a key ingredient in Natural Medicine, for the treatment of numerous conditions.

Benefits and uses of laurel leaf:

The laurel, whose scientific name is “Laurus nobilis” is a leafy tree that grows in humid and fresh climates. Originally from the Mediterranean, it is characterized by its dark green leaves and a brownish gray bark.

In gastronomy, the bay leaves are used as a condiment to highlight and flavor meat, stews and sauces. In addition, we can take advantage of its benefits in the development of natural remedies and treatments to combat multiple conditions.

The laurel helps in cases of:

-Lack of energy, exhaustion or cases of chronic fatigue
-Fatigue or blackouts
-Muscle cramps
-Premenstrual symptoms
-Headaches and migraines
-Problems of the sciatic nerve
-Infections in the skin
-Muscular weakness
-Bloating and flatulence
-Fluid retention
-Snoring and sleep apnea
-Muscle and nerve contractures

Laurel is known to be a great stimulant of the digestive system. It is carminative and hepatic. In turn, it is excellent for the respiratory system and helps to fight the flu. In addition, it improves blood circulation, is diuretic, antirheumatic and antibiotic.


Remedies with laurel


The deep and intense aroma of laurel can be used in aromatherapy. In addition to purifying the environment and repelling insects, this plant helps to relax the mind and overcome difficult emotions such as anguish, depression or fears. In addition, it helps to improve blood circulation so it provides a lot of vitality.

Laurel oil:

As we mentioned, laurel facilitates blood circulation. Therefore, this oil can be applied when performing lymphatic drainage massages. It is excellent for combating fluid retention and heaviness.

Another very common use is in the treatment of nervous tics or muscle stiffness. In addition, applying a few drops of laurel oil to the chest, before sleeping, helps control snoring.

Laurel for children:

Apply about 3 drops of laurel oil in a flavoring or diffuser to set the room. This helps fight panic attacks, fears, crying and vomiting in children.


Infusion is the easiest way to take advantage of all the properties of laurel. Put 2 laurel leaves in 200 ml of water. When it boils, turn off the heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Finally remove the leaves and drink.



-250 ml almond oil.
-30 gr of dried bay leaves.
-Hermetic container with lid (it is necessary that it has an amber color so that the essence does not degrade with light).


Place the leaves inside the container. Cover with almond oil. It is important that the leaves are completely submerged. Cover very well and let stand for 30 days in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. Periodically, shake the container.


Cancer dies within the next 42 hours. This juice cured more than 50 thousand people!

This is a juice that takes as main ingredient Beetroot contains many vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, C, antioxidants, folic acid and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and iron.

This large plant (beet) has properties that are very strong against cancer, for the amino acid called betaine, confirmed by numerous studies that can destroy cells in tumor tissue.

Although there is something important that you have this juice has, it destroys cancer cells in a short term.More than 50 thousand people with cancer and other diseases that are not curable have experienced the benefits of this special juice and have obtained the result they are looking for.


This juice is vegetable-based with the main ingredient such as beets. During the duration of this regiment, your health will improve, but cancer cells are starving and after the deadline given will see the results of this fabulous juice.


55% of beet
20% of celery (root)
20% of carrots
3% of potatoes
2% of radishes

What you need to do is mix the ingredients and can start treatment is recommended to take 2 times a day.


You must remember that you have to drink as much as your body needs and not to exaggerate.


Health benefits of dates - promoting heart, brain , and digestive health!

A product of the date palm and cultivated since approximately 6000 B.C, the date fruit is one of the sweetest fruits around and also happens to come in many different varieties. Although dates can be eaten fresh, the fruit is very often dried, resembling raisins or plums. But whether fresh or dry, the health benefits of dates are still just as plentiful.

Nutritional Content Of Dates

If you’re looking for fiber, potassium, or copper, look no further than dates. While dates are rich in many vital nutrients and therefore offer many health benefits, the fruit is so small that you’ll need to consume a larger quantity to intake the necessary amount.

The following nutritional data outlines some of the key nutrients found in dates, and is based on a 100g serving of the fruit.

Fiber – 6.7 grams. 27% RDA.
Potassium – 696 milligrams. 20% RDA.
Copper – 0.4 milligrams. 18% RDA.
Manganese – 0.3 milligrams. 15% RDA.
Magnesium – 54 milligrams. 14% RDA.
Vitamin B6 – 0.2 milligrams. 12% RDA.


Note: Dates are high in sugar content – coming in at a whopping 66.5 grams per 100 gram serving of the fruit. It is recommended to lessen sugar consumption as much as possible, even when the sugar is being consumed from fruit.

The Known Health Benefits Of Dates – What The Date Fruit Has To Offer

Dates aren’t exactly a nutritional powerhouse when compared to some other foods like kiwi or sesame seeds, but the fruit does still offer numerous health benefits along with great taste. Here are some health benefits of dates.

1. Promoting Digestive Health, - Relieving Constipation – Fiber is essential for promoting colon health and making for regular bowel movements. The insoluble and soluble fiber found in dates help to clean out the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency. Some other benefits relating to fiber and colon health are reduced risks of colitis, colon cancer, and hemorrhoids. (Dates could even be coupled with other home remedies for hemorrhoids.)

2. Boosting Heart Health – In addition to promoting colon health, fiber is also known to boost heart health.

3. Anti-Inflammatory – Dates are rich in magnesium – a mineral known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. One study found that “inflammatory indicators in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL6 (interleukin 6) were all reduced when magnesium intake was increased.” Further, inflammation in the arterial walls was also reduced with magnesium intake. Based on magnesium’s anti-inflammatory properties and the findings of this study, magnesium can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other inflammation-related health ailments.

4. Reduced Blood Pressure – Magnesium has been shown to help lower blood pressure – and again, dates are full of the mineral. Additionally, potassium is another mineral in dates that has several functions within the body, aiding with the proper workings of the heart and helping to reduce blood pressure.

5. Reduced Stroke Risk – After evaluating 7 studies published over a 14 year time period, researchers found stroke risk was reduced by 9% for every every 100 milligrams of magnesium a person consumes per day. The research can be found in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

6. A Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery – Further adding to the health benefits of dates, one study performed by researchers at the University of Science and Technology set out to discover how the date fruit impacted labor parameters and delivery outcomes. After studying 69 women for a year and 1 month, the researchers found that “the consumption of date fruit in the last 4 weeks before labour significantly reduced the need for induction and augmentation of labour, and produced a more favourable, but non-significant, delivery outcome. The results warrant a randomised controlled trial.”

7. Boosting Brain Health – Some studies, such as one found in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that sufficient vitamin B6 levels are associated with improved brain performance and better test scores

A Summary Of Dates Health Benefits: Dates Are Great For:

-Weight loss
-Relieving constipation, supporting regular bowel movements
-Promoting heart health, reducing heart disease risk
-Iron-deficiency anemia
-Reducing blood pressure
-Promoting respiratory and digestive health
-Pregnancy deliveries
-Hemorrhoid prevention
-Chronic conditions such as arthritis
-Reducing colitis risk
-Preventing colon cancer

Source: ezekieldiet

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The healtiest vegetable in the world: Restores vision, reduces liver fat, prevents interference of the colon!

Although beets have the highest sugar content of all vegetables, most people can safely eat beets a few times a week. Their powerhouse nutrients can dramatically improve your health in the following ways.

1. Lower Your Blood Pressure

Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. One study found that drinking one glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4-5 points.

The benefit likely comes from the naturally occurring nitrates in beets, which are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide, in turn, helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

2. Boost Your Stamina

If you need a boost to make it through your next workout, beet juice may again prove valuable. Those who drank beet juice prior to exercise were able to exercise for up to 16 percent longer.


The benefit is thought to also be related to nitrates turning into nitric oxide, which may reduce the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise as well as enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise.

3. Fight Inflammation

Beets are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. It’s also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic diseases. As reported by the World’s Healthiest Foods:

“[Betaine’s]… presence in our diet has been associated with lower levels of several inflammatory markers, including C reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. As a group, the anti-inflammatory molecules found in beets may eventually be shown to provide cardiovascular benefits in large-scale human studies, as well as anti-inflammatory benefits for other body systems.”

4. Anti-Cancer Properties

The powerful phytonutrients that give beets their deep crimson color may help to ward off cancer. Research has shown that beetroot extract reduced multi-organ tumor formations in various animal models when administered in drinking water, for instance, while beetroot extract is also being studied for use in treating human pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancers.

5. Rich in Valuable Nutrients and Fiber

Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle function) and manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

6. Detoxification Support

The betalin pigments in beets support your body’s Phase 2 detoxification process, which is when broken down toxins are bound to other molecules so they can be excreted from your body. Traditionally, beets are valued for their support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your liver.

Other Benefits…

You probably already know that beets are very healthy for a number of health problems, but what you probably didn’t know is that they are also excellent for your vision.

After all, they contain a lot of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and copper, among other things

What’s great about beets is that you can use it both as a salad but also juice it for raster consumption. Beets are also known to have anti-cancer properties, which is why many who suffer from this horrible disease use them in their diets regularly.

If you have been avoiding beets thus far due to its peculiar taste, don’t! You can also enjoy its health benefits minus the earthy taste by adding an apple to your mix or any other piece of fruit or vegetable. And if you combine it with carrots, you’ll even do that much more good for improving and strengthening your vision.

To combine both vegetables, you can either blend them together or just chop them up, mix and season them, and eat them as a salad. This combination is all you need to restore your energy and health and start feeling great again.


Women need more sleep than men because their brains work harder, according to science!

Science has confirmed that women have more complex brains, which suggests that they need more sleep. Professor Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University has a specific explanation on the importance of sleeping.

According to Jim Horne: “For women, poor sleep is strongly associated with high levels of psychological distress and greater feelings of hostility, depression, and anger,” and “These feelings were not associated with the same degree of sleep disruption in men.”

Professor Jim Horne, has a specific explanation on the importance of sleeping. The professor also wrote the book Sleepfaring: A Journey Through The Science of Sleep.

“One of the major functions of sleep is to allow the brain to recover and repair itself. During deep sleep, the cortex — the part of the brain responsible for thought memory, language and so on – disengages from the senses and goes into recovery mode.”


“The more of your brain you use during the day, the more of it that needs to recover and, consequently, the more sleep you need. Women tend to multi-task — they do lots at once and are flexible — and so they use more of their actual brain than men do. Because of that, their sleep need is greater.

A man who has a complex job that involves a lot of decision-making and lateral thinking may also need more sleep than the average male — though probably still not as much as a woman.”

“This is because women’s brains are wired differently from men’s and are more complex, so their sleep need will be slightly greater. The average is 20 minutes more, but some women may need slightly more or less than this.”

Women need more than 8 hours

Yes, we know that it is highly recommended that you sleep at least 8 hours, and 7 hours usually suffice, but Professor Horne explains that women’s brain “wired differently from men’s and are more complex, so their sleep need will be slightly greater.”

What makes woman’s brain more complex?

Unlike men, women are used to do multi-tasking, and expose their brains to more strenuous activities. This means that women’s brain needs more time to recover completely, and sleeping is the best way to achieve that.

What happens to Tired Men?

Professor Horne explained that man who do jobs that involve decision-making need more sleep than an average man, but still less than an average woman.
How to improve your sleep quality

There are many ways to get a good night’s sleep. But, these tips may not work for each of you, because we are all different.

Routine sleep — Set a sleep routine, so the brain recognizes the need to slow down and relax. In this way you will sleep much better at night.

Avoid Stimulating Foods — Some foods act as stimulants, and you need to avoid these before you go to bed. This involves caffeine in coffee, theobromine in cacao or chocolate, and sugar. These stimulants affect your good night’s sleep, and often lead to insomnia.

Meditation — Women’s brain work non-stop, which is why many women have difficulty sleeping. Medication can be of great help, as it helps the brain settle and get in a state of deep relaxation.

Yoga — Yoga postures prepare the body for a good rest, which is why practicing yoga is often recommended to insomniacs. Try these 6 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep.

Melatonin — Experts agree that melatonin helps you sleep better. Doses of 1-3 mg of melatonin work best, preferably an hour before bedtime.

Source: thehealthy-food

Doctors are shocked! This castor oil and baking soda combination can treat more than 20 health problems!

Natural alternative medicine has been gaining quite the popularity recently, as they’re extremely powerful and can help treat a large number of health benefits, starting from the smallest to the scariest.

This article is dedicated to present you with a natural alternative remedy which consists of baking soda and castor oil. These two ingredients are both health-beneficial, but their medicinal properties are off the charts when combined, as they can treat more than 20 health issues and complications.

How to Prepare Castor Oil Wipes

Preparing castor oil compresses is quite easy actually. You will need cold pressed castor oil, plastic wrap, clean gauze, cotton towel and a hot water bottle.

Start off by cleaning your skin with the baking soda, and soak the gauze in the castor oil before applying it on the affected area. Then wrap the area in plastic foil and warm with the hot water bottle, and wrap a towel around the bottle to secure it.

Repeating this treatment for 40 days straight, every day, will help treat a number of health ailments.

Down below are 24 more amazing uses of castor oil. They’re a must-see:

1.) It soothes and treats skin issues such as cuts, bruises and burns.

2.) Castor oil compress treats injures ankles.

3.) Massages with castor oil reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

4.) A baking soda and castor oil mixture eliminates dark spots on the skin,

5.) Applying a coat of castor oil on the neck treats chronic coarseness and vocal cord nodules.

6.) Castor oil can treat cataract if applied before bed time.

7.) It removes pilonidal cysts.

8.) It prevents allergies if consumed 5 drops a day.

9.) Castor oil also treats ocular allergies. Simply rub some oil on your eyelids before going to bed.

10.) Drinking a couple drops of castor oil on daily basis will eliminate alcohol and nicotine cravings.

11.) It can stimulate hair growth if you massage your scalp with it on daily basis.

12.) Castor oil completely cures tinnitus if taken 6-8 drops for 4 months on daily basis.

13.) Dripping a few drops of castor oil in your ears will improve your hearing.

14.) It can provide a relief for back pain.


15.) It can relieve diarrhea.

16.) Rubbing castor oil on your warts every day for a month will completely eliminate them.

17.) Rub it on your feet to completely eliminate fungal infections.

18.) If massaged regularly, castor oil removes calcium deposits on the soles.

19.) If applied regularly for one month, castor oil eliminates moles.

20.) It reduces hyperactivity if applied in coats on the stomach.

21.) It efficiently treats hepatitis.

22.) Cancer can also be treated by castor oil and baking soda mixture.

23.) It soothes bug bites and reduces itching and swelling.

24.) Castor oil coatings on the stomach prevent snoring in just 2 weeks.


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