Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mix coconut oil, turmeric and ginger, drink before going to sleep. You will not believe the results even after one night.

Every night before we go to sleep, we all  feel full and heavy and have upset bellies. Of course this feeling is ‘normal’ if we eat too much after a night out or at home for dinner.

Indigestion before going to bed can lead to insomnia, acid reflux and heartburn. Fortunately we can fix this problem with a natural remedy made from coconut milk, ginger and turmeric. these ingredients help soothe inflammation. This mixture prevents heartburn and improves the digestion.


- Detoxification of the liver
- It thins the blood and Improves blood flow
- Helps treat arthritis
- Is an anti-inflammation agent
- Cures cancer in early stage
- Soothes upset digestive processes
- Stops ulcer from forming
- Treats fevers and eases pain
- Less pain and fevers

The Turmeric is a great anti-inflammation agent, protects the belly from ulcers and eases digestion problems

The Black pepper makes curcuma absorbing better.

The Honey  is rich with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino. It helps improve digestion and soothes irritation In bowels.

The Coconut milk has a numerous healthy and antimicrobial fats, which stop bacteria related digestion problems



 1 tbsp honey
 2 cups coconut milk
 1 tsp turmeric 
 1 tsp power ginger or 1 inch sliced ginger  
 ¼ tsp pepper ground


Put all the ingredient except the honey in a bowl, but NOT the honey, stir and pour in a pan. Cook slowly on a low heat for about 5 minutes and then add the honey.

Source: organichealthuniverse

One cup a day and you will burn the fat like a miracle!

Lose your weight and reduce the fat of your belly with this simple drink. It is made of cucumber, ginger, and lemon.


Mint leaves (10)
Fresh ginger
Lemon (1)
Filtered water (8 cups)
Cucumber (1)


Wedge the cucumber and the lemon and add them to the water then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix the ingredients together and put them in the fridge over the night.

The lemon will boost your immune system and it will cleanse your body from toxins, the cucumber will hydrate you and the mint helps with digestion.

This tasty drink will really help you to lose weight.

Source; healthyrecipeshome

Remove body scars of any tissue in less than month time

Every tissue that has a scar will make you feel unconfident and less attractive. But with natural cures you can make those scars disappear forever or at least fade a lot.

You might be fooled to think only lasers can solve this issue but that is not the case. It goes the same for surgeries, lotions, expensive creams and treatments and more.

Some of these work but they will cost a fortune and require a lot of time and visits to those offices. Also, some may leave side effects forever.

With natural cures you can try and  fade the scars and save money too.

You need:

Olive oil ¼ cup
Honey 1 tbsp
Lavender oil 4 drops
Coconut oil ¼ cup
Method and use:

Get a pan and add the coconut in it. Put it on medium heat and add the lavender now. Then add the olive oil and honey and with wooden spoon mix and stir. Then when all is heated up, remove off heat and let it cool. When it is cooled, refrigerate for 20 min. then the cream is ready after this. Store it in some jar and use it in mornings and at night too. After regular use, you can see visible results after just a month!

Source: healthylifeidea

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tropical extract kills 80 percent of breast cancer cells!

New research shows that the fruit of a tropical vine may help fight breast cancer.

The study comes from Dr. Ratna Ray, a professor of pathology at St. Louis University. She specializes in studying the regulation of cell growth.

And while the results of her study, published in the journal Cancer Research, are preliminary… they are also very promising.

“Our result was encouraging,” she says. The extract “significantly induced death in breast cancer cells.” She also says it stopped breast cancer cells from growing and spreading.

Two Percent Concentration Kills Cancer Cells

The tropical extract comes from the fruit of the bitter melon. Like its name, the fruit is indeed bitter, but still edible.

In her study, Dr. Ray applied a two percent bitter melon extract to breast cancer cells. She found that this was the minimum amount needed to kill a significant number of breast cancer cells. In fact, at that concentration, the extract killed 80 percent of breast cancer cells.

Further research published in the journal Anticancer Research offers more insight into how bitter melon may work. It attacks the HER2 gene that makes breast cancer aggressive. Once it impacts the gene… the tumor can no longer grow.

Dr. Ray plans on testing her extract on animals next. If those results are positive, she’ll move to human trials.

“There have been significant advances in breast cancer treatment,” she says. “However, women continue to die of the disease and new treatment strategies are essential.”

Where to Find Bitter Melon

You can get bitter melon as a supplement in tablet or capsule form. There is no doctor-recommended dose at this time. However, manufacturers of the supplement recommend 500 mg per day.

You can also purchase bitter melon raw at Asian grocery stores. Experts say you can eat one small raw melon per day to see the same benefits as a supplement.

Bitter melon offers an additional health benefit. It has also been shown to lower your blood sugar levels.

The fruit is generally regarded as safe. In animal studies, the only adverse reaction was hypoglycemia. That happens when blood sugar levels fall too low. So be especially careful if you’re on diabetic medications.

Source: letsgohealthy

Remove phlegm of lungs and coughs using this amazing old remedy!

This remedy is the best for coughs and mucus. It has just natural items and has no side effects unlike meds and drugs. The recipe is good for both kids and adults.

NOTE: use just fresh carrots for more benefits.


- Better immunity
- Better heart health
- Less bad LDL cholesterol
- Better skin
- Better detox
- Good eyesight

You need:

½ kg carrots
4 tbsp honey

Peel the carrots, boil them and make them soft. Keep their water from the boiling. Add the water and carrots and honey in blender. Make smooth mash. Add this in jar and refrigerate.

Consume 3 tbsp daily and after 2 days see results.

Source: movingtoorganic

Removal of face spots in just 3 nights using potato and other ingredients!

Here you can see the best way to use some recipes for brightening skin and removing spots of the face. The cures are all natural and have no side effects.

Lemon juice and potato– you need 1 potato and ½ lemon juice. Mash the potato, then get lemon juice and mix these. Apply on the face and massage in circle movements. After 20 min, rinse with water. These items make skin whiter and bleached.

Onion and potato– get ½ onion and 1 potato. Mix the items in blender, apply on the face and after 15 min rinse with cold water.

Cucumber and potato– get ½ cucumber and 1 potato. Mix the veggies in blender and clean the face. Put this mask and rub in circle motions. After 25 min rinse with cool water.

Carrot and potato– get ½ carrot and 1 potato. Like before, mix them in blender and apply on clean face. After 20 min, wash with water.

Use these masks regularly for amazing skin!

Source: healthylifevision

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wi-Fi: A silent killer that kills us slowly

Here in the modern day and age, we are all addicts to internet. This is even simpler now with the use of wifi. Now we can surf online in any place, spot, city, country regardless the conditions.

But, as far as our safety goes, companies that make the wifi routers have to follow strict norma for the health toward us, from their devices. Still, we can reveal some facts about the wireless devices safety on the wifi routers:

We have to see how the device is connected to the router with no use of cables. Wireless devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets) all have and emit WLAN signals or electro magnetic waves and they go to the router. These loop signals are unhealthy for us in many ways. Even the British Health Agency confirmed that these signals harm both humans and animals.

The bad sides of wifi exposing are:

- Focus problems
- Frequent and harsh headaches
- Ear pains
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems

Still, we know that we cannot all the way change these new technologies. So, we won’t advise you to avoid internet all the time, but at least see these good advice for reducing the bad effects of this matter:

Disconnect wifi before you sleep
Never keep the router in kitchen or bedroom
At home, use phones with cables for less electro magnet waves
Wifi is turned off when not in use to prevent such waves around children.

Source: goodmorningcenter

Fake rice is sold everywhere! recognize the fake and real rice!

There exist many rumors that the rice we eat is fake. In Asia was a proof that mass production of the rice is fake rice and after the investigation, people still were in disbelief.

So, read more below and cautious with the buying.

The fake rice is from China and after this was also seen in India and Vietnam, but Europe and Indonesia too. In USA is not so much sold yet, but it can be found. People notice strange food items even from known brands and companies. The fake rice can look the same as real one and you can hardly make the difference. Also, fake rice immediately upsets the belly.

This rice causes real health damages and we must recognize it. First, try to avoid rice on daily basis. The fake rice has residue of potatoes in it and chemicals even, and sadly this rice is found in famous markets.

In Malaysia this is not the case since there every food item is closely controlled and fake rice cannot be found! But, small shops and small markets still sell it worldwide.

How to differentiate fake and real rice?

There is not much you can do on first glimpse. First, try to boil the rice. The fake has the same shape after the boiling, and real changes form. Also, fake rice will feel like plastic and hard matter in the hand after cooking and there would be plastic-like smell if the rice is fake.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Get rid of every poison from the body in just 2 days with a detox plan for the weekend!

If you feel tired all the time and have no energy, or have dark circles under the eyes and the skin is really dry, then you are in need of a detox.

If you have toxic body, you are more prone to viruses, flu and infections. When you detox, the body gets the health and energy back and you feel vitality.

Here is the best detox plan lasting a weekend with many health benefits. It will cleanse organs like liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and intestines.

It has many fluids involved, meat, low fat food and potatoes. Sounds tasty? It is best to do this 2 times per year and for 10 days. But, also it is good for the weekend days few times per year.

The effects will amaze you.

For even best effects, take birch, nettle and dandelion tea. Also have workouts regularly like swim, walk, run, gym and so on

The detox weekend plan

After waking up, before eating and drinking, have 250 ml water, warm.


- Breakfast:warm water,  oat flakes 1 cup and linseed spoonful, greek yoghurt 250 ml or green tea, fresh blueberries ½ cup, 200 ml diet yoghurt or almond milk.
- Lunch: water 250 ml, salad 2 cups (tomato, green, arugula), grill hake 250 g, Swiss chard and olive oil + potato, small banana and melon slice.
- Snack: water 250 ml and apple, 180 ml yoghurt, ¼ cup pumpkin seeds.
- Dinner: water or anise tea 250 ml, salad 2 cups (lemon juice and olive oil too), integral pastry, grill tuna 150 g, ½ cup steamed veggies (spinach and broccoli).


Start with water, again.
- Breakfast: 1 cup oat flakes, linseed spoonful, 200 ml almond milk, or diet yoghurt, pear and green tea.
- Snack: grapefruit
- Lunch: water 250 ml, veggie soup (pepper, beans, potato, carrot, onion, celery), 200 g grill chicken, pickles 150 g.
- Dinner: integral pastry, nettle tea, beet and carrots with lemon juice.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The waste material tells a lot for the health!

A lot of people are ashamed to talk of the poop, but this is vital for the health! defecation is a normal process and any bowels change can be due to changes in diet, infection, illness and such.

Stool is 75% water, the rest is fiber, alive and dead bacteria, mucus and cells. The normal waste is long, whole and soft. Texture has to be equal and in shape of S. this is the shape of the intestines. For healthy color of the poop, medium brown.


Lumpy, small and hard- inflammation in small intestines, a bit abrasive, 1-2 cm diameter and common if you take antibiotics and have some bleeding.

Sausage shape and lumpy– hard to pass, makes bleeding in the anus and normal for IBS

Sausage shape, cracked layer– like the previous, bleeding, but processed fast.

Smooth, soft, sausage shape– normal and healthy


Blobby with sharp edge– for those that defecate few times per day after eating

Fluffy, torn and ragged edges– soft, hypertension and stress issues

Diarrhea– like regular diarrhea, it can go with conjuction or constipation. This might be serious, depending on color and smell

Black or red– also not good and might be GIT bleeding

Yellow or white– gallbladder issues

The smell comes from:

Cystic fibrosis
Bad digestion

Source: healthymultiverse

This procedure you can clean your lungs in 3 Days, Even if you smoked for more than 5 years!

Smoking cigarettes is damaging and not nourishing, and may people always affirms this. Health experts think that more than 1 billion individuals are cigarette smokers all over the world and more than 5 million die from these type of issues, reported by the World Health Organization. 1 person passes away every six seconds.

Each smoking cigarette and non-smokers can take a lung issues. This thing is certain, people who smoke a tobacco are more destroyed in the lungs. The solution is to stop cigarette smoking and try this healthy recipe. Researchers said, individuals who smoke a cigarette more than 5 years have different problems not simply bronchitis.


2 tsp turmeric
1 liter water
400 g cut onions
400 g brown sugar
Ginger root



Using a pot try to let the water boil to dissolve the sugar. Put in, the onion, turmeric and ginger through the end. Once this boils is finish, Try  to fridge it and refrigerate.


Need this before morning meal and once more at the evening, two hours post food.
If you need a better result, do exercises well. Can you experience a shower for 20 min, to get rid of waste in your body and inhale a few eucalyptus.

Source: organicfoodfanatics

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This girl applied aloe vera on the face and after 15 min the result was amazing!

Many people could say this aloe vera is the healthier plant. It is nourishing and therapeutic. However that is also utilized for beauty products and cosmetics. If you want shining nourishing skin, no need to buying a cosmetics products.

You can try this remedy using aloe vera.

Here the instructions to do this:

1. Do not peel the aloe vera, simply clean it well using water. Utilize clean water if the leaves are filthy.

2. Softly thump the leaf of aloe vera and apply a roller.

3. Once you softening the leaf, cut in 2 and utilize little cut portions, so conserve another half for next usage. Bring the quantity that you want.


4. To peel the leaf, first get rid of edges using a knife. Then after edges are cut on each sides. the aloe vera leaf it easy to opening.

5. if the sides are cut, can you slit the leaf to open using your hand. But if this is tough?, you need a knife to the center.

6. You need a spoon to take the leaf juice. Bring as much as you need but do not throw away. Collect this in a container or any bottle.

7. Using your fingers, softly utilize the juice and still usage the leaf to scrub on the face. And dry for 20 min.

8. After if  is dry, Try to remove it off on your face. Rinse the face then using a water. Note: Do not usage any chemicals or soaps.

9. Use a clean towel pat dry the face and you will be surprised by the awesome skin.

Source: organichealthcorne

Monday, April 3, 2017

Ladies with bigger behinds are healthier and most intelligent, according to researchers!

This appears which creating a little "junk in the trunk" is actually a good thing, wellness smart. Not merely may having a bigger derriere improvement general health.  However it's attached to enhanced intellect and low risk of chronic disease, regarding to experts at the University of Oxford and Churchill Hospital in the United Kingdom.

Fat submission is significant, say researchers, in case you're supposed to have some, it's better to take it below the waist, because it helps to provide for a barrier from heart disease, diabetes some other conditions connected to obesity.

"This is the safety part of lower body, that is thigh and backside fat, that is impressive. The safety qualities of the lower-body fat depot were already proven in lots of studies executed in subjects with a wide range of age, BMI and co-morbidities," scientists wrote in the Journal of Obesity."

 The Apple-shaped vs. pear-shaped

Evaluating your body form to that of a fruit can avail you identify whether or not you're on the suitable track. If you're pear-shaped, you're likely in a good place, experts say. If you're apple-shaped, you may need to embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Men and women with belly fat have more obesity-related issue than those who carry extra weight on their hips, thighs and butt.

"There's a lot of evidence that shows that the fat depots are not the same in the body," said Dr. Robert Kushner, a professor of medicine specializing in obesity at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago."


Belly fat "is more metabolically active," explains Kushner, indicating it has a higher effect on the brain and general body, contrasted to fat saved in the lower half, which tends to be more secure and invokes fewer cytokines or proteins associated with insulin immunity and the onset of diabetes.

"There's a whole range of these hormonal markers that seem to be more preferentially released from the belly," he adds.

Regulating weight gain in the brain

Different aspect attached to fat submission in women is leptin. Leptin levels, important for regulating the appetite, are linked with a bigger derriere, too. Men and women who are obese, their brain stops reacting to the hormone totally, leading to the person to develop leptin resistance, which is like to insulin resistance, reports by Elite Daily.

"Obtaining a big butt additionally favors leptin levels in the female body, which is a hormone liable for regulating the weight, and the dinopectina, a hormone with anti-inflammatory, vascular-protective and anti-diabetic attributes. The adipose tissue of the buttocks traps damaging fatty particles and stops cardiovascular disease."

Big butt equals big brains

Sustaining a larger under requires important amounts of Omega 3 fats, which are confirmed to improve brain function, memory and intellectual abilities. Study also reveals that children created to women with wide hips are smarter contrasted to those developed by thinner and less curvy mothers.

Source: naturalnews
here's the another source:


Friday, February 24, 2017

Here's how coconut oil kills 93% of colon cancer cells after 2 days of treatment

According to the latest laboratory research, medical experts have found that lauric acid eliminates more than 90% of colon cancer cells just after 2 days of treatment. Coconut oil is loaded with lauric acid – it’s almost half of the content of coconut oil. The most interesting thing is that the lauric acid contaminates the cancer cells by releasing intense oxidative stress. So, with this process, the lauric acid reduces the levels of glutathione in cancer cells very efficiently. The glutathione in cancer cells is used to protect them from oxidative stress.

Not many studies have pointed out the anti-cancer properties of coconut oil. But, coconut oil is known for its healing properties and benefits and it’s used by many people in the world for many years. Few medicinal studies have confirmed the fact that coconut oil is extremely efficient in eliminating bacteria, various diseases, parasites, fungi and harmful microorganisms. It’s also extremely useful with: promotes digestion, aids liver health, improves skin health, reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing.


Some medical experts say that coconut oil can be also extremely useful in treating diabetes. This is because the coconut oil has the ability to increase the levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) in women and regulates the HDL – LDL ratio and it support weight loss efforts in men and women. Today, the coconut oil is a part of few clinical trials focused on stabilization of cholesterol levels in patients suffering from chronic heart disease. The medical experts also work on preventing and fighting Alzheimer’s disease and in stabilizing blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

This oil is unique when it comes to the presence of lauric acid. This is because the lauric acid takes about half of the coconut’s oil content. Actually, the lauric acid is a specific type of triglyceride that is very difficult to find in other foods. You should also know that the cow’s fat consists of 2% lauric acid and about 6% of human milk is lauric acid. This proves the fact that human beings need more lauric acid than other living beings.

All these scientific studies don’t mean that coconut oil is the natural cure for cancer, but it’s a reminder for all the scientists in the world, who work in this field, that Mother Nature has provided many means and tools to fight disease. And we all should invest more in the medical researches and studies of these natural remedies.

Source: healthyrecipeshome

This recipe is definitely worth trying because it contains natural and well-known ingredients.

This recipe is definitely worth trying because it contains  natural and well-known ingredients.

A special recipe for the treatment of cancer was made by a Brazilian monk, Father Romano Zago. You only need aloe vera, honey and alcohol. This recipe is successfully spreading worldwide, despite the pressure and lobby power of the pharmaceutical industry since the monk wrote in his book “You can get well from air.”


This recipe has helped thousands of people, so why don’t you try it.

All you need is:

    -35 grams of fresh aloe vera leaves (arborescens)
    -6 tbl spoons of alcohol- rum, brandy, whiskey
    -50 grams of natural honey

With a dry towel, clean the leaves, remove the thorns from the edges and divide them into pieces. Put them in a blender and then add the honey and alcohol. Mix all together until you get a homogenous mixture. This mixture shouldn’t be neither cooked nor drained.

Take one teaspoon, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Keep the mixture in a dark jar in a fridge. It is definitely worth trying because it can’t harm you at all.

Source: healthylivinghouse


These famous stock cubes are poisonous!

Knorr, Maggi, Ajinomoto, Kitano – all these brands have been highly popular and the favorite choice of stock for millions of people. People buy these stock cubes considering them healthy, but rarely anyone knows that the flavoring used on them contains one very dangerous ingredient – monosodium glutamate.

Monosodium glutamate is a chemical additive that can cause nausea, skin allergies, tachycardia, vomiting, headaches, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and depression when ingested. Using industrialized spices on a daily basis can cause serious health problems, as glutamate stimulates the production of acetylcholine in the endocrine system, a substance that reduces the glucose absorption in the body. Too much acetylcholine can result in weight gain and Alzheimer’s disease, and some experts have also linked it to other neurodegenerative conditions.


The famous taste of these brands is a sign of how powerful the chemical is. Sodium glutamate is added to almost any processed food nowadays, especially in chicken, beef and vegetable broth cubes. The compound makes us eat more by blocking the neurological function of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for controlling our appetite. This is why it’s important to avoid consuming the substance.

If you want a simple, cheap and delicious solution, you need to use fresh or frozen natural spices dipped in olive or coconut oil and then frozen in ice cube trays. In this way, you can just take out a cube and add it to the broth, which is far healthier that using the popular spices by the aforementioned brands.

Source: dailynaturallife

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Important cnn - do not eat these foods as they can make worms born in your body!

Do you know that worms can invade your brain, so you can start to avoid some food?

These worms can do some damages and live as parasites in your body, to be exact in your brain, and can cause some serious consequences.

Dr. Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas examined head of a man, and the tapeworm that was inside was a kind of a warm that was never seen before in UK.

Several years ago, the team of Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge examined a man for his headaches. He returned for tests after a short time with new symptoms. The patient had previously traveled to China, a country that had the most cases of the parasite known as Spirometra erinaceieuropaei throughout Thailand, Japan and South Korea.

The warm was causing seizures and weakness, along with the headaches. He had an infection named sparganosis kid of a parasitic infection which is caused by tapeworm larvae plerocercoid diphyllobothroid belonging to the genus Spirometra. After the diagnosis the patient needed surgery, because this infection cannot be treated by drugs.

Pork Tapeworm

There are lots of tapeworms, but only three of them infect the brain. According to Helena Helmby of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the pork tapeworm is the main culprit of infecting the brain.

You can get this infection if you are eating undercooked pork from pigs that are already infected with this parasite. This results in taeniasis, when an adult worm resides in the intestine.


The second for of infection is when a person is in direct contact with animal feces. This can cause neurocysticercosis, a condition when the larval worm infects the nervous system and brain. This type of infection is very dangerous because it can cause epilepsy.

Although the infection is more common in some parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the global distribution of pork tapeworm is increasing – Dr. Klotsas has already had three neurocysticercosis patients in their care in Cambridge.

There are certain types of drugs that can help but the most effective method to be removed by surgery.

There are other concerns, like the world food trade and the international travels, or the risk to eat infected food.

The massage for here has to be spread, and the region where these infections are possible to be treated and to raise awareness about the situation.

Source: healthyfoodteam

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You want to speed up your metabolism, remove toxins from your body and lose weight? Try this remedy and see the result in 72 hours!

All of us consume unhealthy foods during the holiday season every year, dishes rich in fats and carbs, which harmfully affect our body. Namely, when the holidays and celebrations end, our body is full of toxins, which results in impaired health and bad appearance.

Nevertheless, it seems that Nature has remained our best friends. In this case as well, the natural medicine suggests a remarkable natural recipe that will restore our well-being.

This amazing organic detox drink will solve all issues that have occured in your organism.

It will discard toxins, while speeding up the metabolism and thus promoting a healthy process of losing excess weight.



2 tablespoons grated ginger
juice of half a lemon
2 celery stalks
1 cup tomato juice
hot pepper or chili powder
Method of preparation:

The celery should be added in the ends, so all other ingredients should be blended until you get a homogeneous mixture. Then, pour it into glasses and add the celery stalks to garnish it. You can also store larger amounts of this natural juice refrigerated.


Use this juice every day. Drink 3 glasses of it between meals. You will notice positive results already in 72 hours!

Source: healthyfoodteam

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Here are the 10 amazing uses of Vicks Vaporub that will surprise you.

Vicks Vaporub is something we all have seen in our homes since childhood and the strong smell reminds us of our mother applying it on our noses when we had cold or cough. It went well with a glass of hot water and honey.

It is a really old topical cream that is used to take care of head, throat and chest congestion. The main ingredient in the cream is menthol in its most concentrated form. It works wonders on children and is the most popular over-the-counter decongestant.

1 Works as a humidifier
Vicks Vaporub can be used in certain types of humidifiers and vaporizers in order to clean the air and give you a good night of sleep. You need to have a humidifier with an aromatherapy chamber in it, you just need to add a cartridge of Vicks Vaporub and it will spread the Vaporub in the whole room and will make breathing easier for you.

2 Fights acne and pimples
Every teenager and even adults face the problem of acne. Vicks Vaporub is one of the best treatments for the same. It has active ingredients like eucalyptus and camphor in it. In order to use it, just put a dab of Vaporub over the acne and pimples, cover it with some cotton and Band-Aid overnight. The pimple will shrink noticeably and acne will be gone after few days of regular usage.

3 Tip for actors
Acting is a serious business and sometimes during a performance actors need to cry and shed tears on specific moments in order to capture the essence of the moment on camera. Now some actors have the gift of doing it naturally. But for those who are not so fortunate, rubbing some Vicks UNDER their eyes can do the trick.

4 Keeps Insects away
Vicks Vaporub has cedar leaf oil as one of its many contents and it is a natural insect and mosquito repellent. Just rub some Vicks on your clothes and skin before going out in the evening. Apply small amounts behind your knees, ankles, wrists and behind the ears to shoo away the mosquitos.


5 Provides relief from sore muscles
In order to get relief form sore muscles after a hectic workout or a game of basketball, you just need to rub a layer of Vicks on the affected area and immediately cover it with a warm towel. The active ingredients with emit heat on the affected areas, relieving the pain and soreness.

6 Heals cracked heels
Rub a thick layer of Vicks on your cracked heels, before going to bed. Wear some old cotton socks, after massaging the feet for 5-7 minutes. Tuck in the feet under a blanket and wash off the Vaporub in the morning with warm water. Continue doing this every night and your heels will be smooth and healthy.

7 Removes fingernail and toenail fungus
Fungus on fingernails or toenails leads to hardened nails. The continuous thickening might also cause you to lose the toenail. Vicks contains a fungus eating ingredient known as thymol. Rub the Vaporub on the affected toenail twice a day; cover the feet with cotton socks before going to the bed. Keep the nails trimmed and repeat until the fungus is cleared.

8 Trains pets
Don’t want you pet cats and dogs from entering a certain space? Do you want to stop them from scratching that new couch, then just rub some Vaporub on the couch or at the entrance of the room. Animals are repealed by the strong smell of the menthol in the Vaporub and after 5-6 times, they won’t bother you anymore.

9 Removes splinters and heals wounds
Vicks is full of menthol, camphor and eucalyptus, three ingredients full of anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. They also increase the speed of healing of wounds. So the next time you get a cut or small wound, just cover it with some Vaporub and cotton and cover it up using a tape.

10 Helps in reducing the Tennis elbow pain
Vaporub also soothes minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. It can also help you in getting rid of the Tennis elbow pain in no time. Just rub some Vaporub on the elbow and cover it with a gauge. Keep reapplying the Vaporub until the pain stops. The menthol and camphor in the Vaporub heals the Tennis elbow.

Source: healthyfoodheadlines

Here's the 3 ingredient that can clear mucus from the lungs and strengthens the immune system!

Let’s say cheers for the flu season. The chilly months of autumn bring a host of illnesses, which make our throats phlegmy and our noses runny. Whether you have a flu or cold, sitting on your desk amidst an ocean of tissues, or coughing, your way through every conversation can put a real damper on your day.

But using honey, lemon water and ginger these days, can provide incredible relief to excess mucous.

Excess mucus is one common symptom of viral infections, seasonal allergies, and smoking-related conditions. So, if you suffer from this common condition, you can often determine what could be causing it by examining the color, quantity, and consistency of your mucous, which we all know that is not an appealing task. Fortunately, the four powerful ingredients which we will present you today, can reduce excess phlegm and mucous in your lungs, nose and throat.

Benefits of drinking water

The first advice that medical experts recommend is increasing our intake of water, as it can loosen and wash down any phlegm in the throat and back of the mouth. Water can also clean the toxins which contribute the illness.

If you drink cold water, it can boost your metabolism, as well as help your immunity and drinking warm water can regulate your body temperature.

Benefits of ginger

Have you ever been in situation that you are no longer sick but you still have that extra mucus? Ginger is known to reduce a headache which is caused by the congestion of your sinuses. it can reduce the buildup of phlegm which is left behind after the recovery from some infection.

The ginger can also provide a significant boost to our entire system, and oleoresins, the active components in ginger, are commonly found in most cold and flu remedies. It is also known to stimulate the circulation, which encourages every excess mucous to be released from the lungs.

Ginger can also reduce chills and fever. With regular consumption of ginger, morning sickness and inflammation can be also eliminated. Also, those people that have respiratory problems like asthma are known to find relief by using ginger.

Benefits of honey

Because of its antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits, honey is commonly known as “super food”. As it is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, honey is also often used for treating hay fever and seasonal allergic reactions. It is also used in the treatment of persistent ulcers and wounds.


It contains probiotic bacteria which is called Lactobacillus kunkeei. The bacteria is known to boost the immunity. Remember to always opt for raw honey over refined honey, as the raw one is not heated or filtered, so the probiotic bacteria will still be active in the honey. The healthy bacteria will secrete a lot of natural compounds in order to kill off bacteria which threatens their territory.

Honey is also known to reduce phlegm and mucous, but we also know the feeling of a sore throat after incessant coughing. So, the honey soothes those roughened muscle linings. Remember that honey is nature’s sweetener and it can make every morning brew taste great.

Benefits of lemon

The lemon is known to be very beneficial for our immunity, as it is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It also has anti – inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help in cleansing mucus and regenerating the immunity.

It can control our blood pressure, stimulate the nerve function and also will balance the pH levels in our body. Lemon will also prevent dehydration, as well as adrenal fatigue, when our lymph system is hydrated, the stress levels will be reduced and the hormones can be regulated as well.


This recipe will create from 2 to 3 servings. The preparation time is 15 minutes.

Needed ingredients:

– 100 grams of honey;
– 100 ml of water;
– 4 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
– 1 inch of ground ginger.


First, mix the ground ginger and water. Then boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled add the honey and lemon juice in it and leave it overnight. Store the drink in the fridge and you can use for up to a week.

On an empty stomach, every morning, consume 30-40 ml of the drink. Once it is consumed for 40 days, your immunity will be boosted. After that, you should take a break for two weeks, and then continue with the treatment for another 40 days.

You can use it by steaming, if you suffer from excess mucus and phlegm. In order to do this, you should boil a pot of the mixture and hold your face over the bowl and inhale the steam for about five minutes. In order to concentrate your lungs’ exposure to the steam, you should cover your head with a towel.


The combination of honey, lemon juice, ginger and water make one powerful punch to excess mucus, which provides the immunity with a useful boost. So, before jumping for antibiotics or expensive synthetic medication for cold of excess phlegm, try drinking this powerful and helpful healthful elixir in the morning.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Maximum spread! OMEPRAZOL: The gastric protector that ends your health!

Omeprazole is a type of gastric protector, but it only does one thing: destroys our health!

OMEPRAZOL is considered to be a very powerful inhibitor of gastric acid, which is extremely necessary in our body when regulating digestion and eliminate microbes.

People usually use it when they’re treating certain ailments or gastric discomfort, but the real truth is that this gastric protector can actually do many bad things. OMEPRAZOL isn’t exactly the gastric protector we all thought it was. Most of the dangers lie in creating an addiction to the drug, especially when it comes to treating gastritis.

When this medication is consumed regularly for more than one year, it particularly affects the absorption our body has of vitamin B12, which can cause serious health disorders, such as anemia, depression, dementia and a large number of neurological damage.


The dangers of Omeprazole for our health

Vitamin B12 is directly related to the production of red blood cells from our organism. When our body starts having problems during the absorption of this vitamin, we start suffering from symptoms related to fatigue and frequent fatigue.

Omeprazole that we know as a gastric protector can seriously harm our central nervous system, affecting our complete health.

Another of the most recognized dangers of omeprazole is that it can also decrease calcium absorption by our body, leading to fractures, and normal bone and muscle problems.

This gastric protector has also been associated with several respiratory problems, especially in the elderly. Monica Hidalgo, a Ph.D. in pharmacy at the National Center for Drug Information (Cimed) at the University of Costa Rica claims that we need gastric acid in order to protect our organism from an immense variety of viruses and bacteria, many of which are related to respiratory conditions. When we’re consuming omeprazole as we usually do, the gastric acid diminishes, giving place to the passage of all type of agents toxic and harmful for our organism.

A recent research was conducted on the Kaiser Permanente Institute in the US and it was based on the true dangers of omeprazole health evaluated in 26 thousand patients, of which omeprazole certain amount consumed daily over two years. The results of the investigation were certainly astounding: the number of patients who consumed this gastric protector had a 65% risk of vitamin B12 deficiency compared to the number of patients who had never used the drug.

Source: healthyandnaturalhouse

Friday, February 10, 2017

It's incredible: Put this in your navel and get rid of cough, cold, abdominal and menstrual pain!

Traditional healing remedies can be baffling sometimes and none so than this article’s remedy.

You can combat flu, common cold, catarrh, cough, menstrual and abdominal pain by putting 50% alcohol in your navel.

What you need to do is soak a cotton ball in about two tablespoons of 50% alcohol that has been poured in a bowl and place this soaked cotton ball in your belly button.

By trying out this remedy you will instantly be relaxed and any pain you have will vanish.

It’s a very effective traditional treatment that has even been used in treating muscle aches and cramps.

This alternative solution is far better than conventional medical treatment because it has no side effects.


Whenever you are down with flu or cold all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in alcohol then squeeze out any excess alcohol and after which you put the cotton ball in your navel.

To ensure that is doesn’t fall off make sure you use one large enough to stay put. You can also cover it using a plastic bag or cloth.

If you want to get instant relief from menstrual and abdominal pain all you need to do using your hands, is to place pressure on your navel with the alcohol soaked cotton ball.

When trying to gain relief from your menstrual pain just lie flat on your back and gently apply some pressure to your belly button, if you are not comfortable doing this, then you can solicit the help of someone.

In no time you will feel much better and the relief is not short-lived but long lasting and as mentioned earlier with no adverse side effects whatsoever.

So try it out today and get an immediate relief from your colds, flu, cough and abdominal pains!


Banana ginger smoothie to help burn stomach fat!

Many people opt for natural remedies which can help them successfully lose weight and fight obesity, for most weight loss supplements simply do not give the effect they are expected to, and may even seriously harm your body.

Naturophatic medicine is focused on finding natural solutions for weight loss which include consumption of herbs, fruits and vegetables.

According to experts, there are no particular foods or exercises which target specific fats in the body. Still, they recommend regular exercise and proper nutrition for healthy weight.

This article offers you a delicious banana-ginger smoothie which can return your normal body weight and will keep your body in balance, according to weight loss experts.


Namely, bananas are rich in fiber, potassium, antioxidants and natural sugars which can nourish and energize your body. Moreover, they regulate blood sugar levels and improve digestion by helping the absorption of nutrients in the body.

On the other hand, ginger keeps you full for a longer period and boosts your metabolism.

Banana Ginger Smoothie

This banana-ginger smoothie contains nutrients which can help you lose weight effectively and improve your overall health.


1 tbsp grated ginger
1 frozen ripe banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 tbsps ground flaxseed
½ cup of baby spinach

Method of preparation: Mix all the ingredients together and blend them.

Source: justnaturallife / KHL

This is the reason why they give gelatin to sick people in hospitals when you find out the reason, you will be suprised!

What is gelatin?

It is made of proline and glycine which are amino acids that many people fail to consume in adequate amount as they are found in the fibrous tissues, bones and organs that people do not consume nowadays.

These amino acids are very important for a good skin condition, hair and nail growth and for optimal immune function and weight regulation.

The glycine makes 1/3 of the amino acids in gelatin and it has anti-inflammatory properties that accelerate the healing of the wounds and improve the sleep quality.

Why it is given to people in hospitals?

It is regarded as clear liquid and it is also one of the easiest foods that the body can digest. Numerous people are given gelatin in the hospitals as their stomach can’t handle any food. When a person is recovering, the body needs something that can be easy to digest and that makes the jello the perfect food.

The jello is a gelatin with some food color and it can improve the digestive strength and gut integrity by enhancing the gastric acid secretion and by restoring the stomach’s healthy mucosal lining. The gelatin absorbs the water and it helps to keep the digestive tract’s fluid. It promotes healthy bowel movements and good intestinal transit.



- Gelatin is rich in proteins and only 1 tbs. contains six grams of protein;
- It also improves the digestion as it naturally binds to water and it helps the food to move easily through the digestive tract;
- It also improves joint and bone health as it contains amino acids that strengthen the joint’s cartilage;
- It helps with intolerances of food and allergies. It heals the digestive tract and the lining of the stomach;
- It also eliminates toxins. The amino acid- glycine assists the liver to remove the system’s toxins;
-It contains keratin that is great for the skin, teeth, nails and hair. Therefore, it promotes teeth, nail and hair health.
- It improves the skin elasticity because it is made up of collagen and its regular consumption will make you feel younger and healthier;
- It heals the wounds faster as it contains glycine that has healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
- It is also helping you to sleep better and according to a study it improves the quality of sleep and regular consumption can shake off the drowsiness and improve the cognitive function;
- It also helps the weight loss and according to experts it stimulates the human growth hormone production and it boosts the metabolism.

Recipe for a delicious jelly –Homemade


-Three tbs. of unflavored gelatin;
-One cup of green tea;
-One cup of fresh strawberries or grape juice;
-One cup of orange juice (freshly squeezed);
-Stevia or honey


At first, cook the green tea and add some honey and stevia. Then, add the gelatin, Mix it until the gelatin is dissolved. Put it aside from the heat and leave it to cool. After that add the grape and orange juice and mix them well. At the end, pour it in a container and refrigerate it for three hours. The jelly is ready for consumption. Enjoy in it!

Source: KHL / healthylifevision


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Study confirms: Just 4 tbs. A day and the cancer is gone!

Many different people around the world, including medical experts, claim that the famous Bulgarian scientist Hristo Mermerski has discovered the most powerful homemade remedy, which can help you fight many diseases, including cancer. Professor Mermerski said that this homemade remedy is useful and effective for the entire organism. He also says that if you use this remedy, you can even cure cancer.

The amazing and powerful homemade remedy will strengthen and improve the health of your heart, it will cleanse your blood vessels, improves the immune system, it will cleanse your liver and kidneys, it will boost your memory and improve brain function, prevent a heart attack and last, but not least, it’s the most powerful and most effective cure for all sorts of cancer.

Powerful Homemade Remedy Against Cancer – RECIPE:


12 fresh garlic cloves
15 fresh lemons
400 gr fresh walnuts
400 gr sprouted grains (green wheat)
1 kg natural honey

How to cook the sprouted grains?


Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to take a glass bowl and put the green wheat in it. Add some water in the bowl, enough to cover them and let them soak during the night. The next morning (at least 12 hours), you need to drain the wheat, wash them with water, and drain them again. You can use gauze to strain them. After that, put them in a bowl again and leave them for 24 hours.


Note: you will need a grinder. Add the walnuts, garlic cloves and sprouted wheat into the grinder and grind them all together. Then grind 5 lemons (don’t peel them) and add them in the mixture. The other 10 lemons will need to be squeezed and again the lemon juice added to the mixture. Mix it all in well until it’s combined. And now, you need to add in the honey and use a wooden spoon to mix it. Take a glass jar with a tight lid and pour the mixture in it and put it in a fridge. You can start using the remedy after 3 days.

How to use it:

Professor Mermerski says that you should consume this powerful remedy 30 minutes before every meal. You should take 1-2 tbsp. of the remedy. Take 1-2 tbsp. 30 minutes before going to bed as well. If you have cancer and are using this for the treatment, take 1-2 tbsp. every 2 hours. This recipe is amazing. It will boost your metabolism and you will be refreshed and full of energy.

Source: naturalfoodbook

How to prepare, make tawa-tawa tea to treat dengue!

In our continuing campaign to help in the fight againt dengue, we would like to present relevant information and audio-visual materials about the deadly virus.

GMA-7's news program “24 Oras” had a report on the Tawa-tawa herbal plant, known scientifically as Euphorbia Hirta (video available below).

We are also sharing to our readers an article from Dr. Willie T. Ong entitled “Treatment for Dengue” which was published on The Philippine STAR.
As you are probably aware of, there is no specific drug to kill the dengue virus. However, doctors can employ various supportive measures to strengthen the body so that it can recover from the disease.

Here's how we do it: 

1. Patients are encouraged to drink lots of water to keep the body's water at an optimum level. If needed, doctors give dextrose fluid to prevent dehydration. 
2. Monitoring of blood count. Doctors check the hematocrit and platelet count regularly to see if there is a need to transfuse blood components. 
3. Consider giving medicines to prevent ulcer, since bleeding is a possibility. 
4. Encourage the patient to eat regularly, specifically soft, easily digestible foods. Patients are advised to avoid eating dark colored foods, because we need to monitor the stool's color. (Black stools means blood for doctors.) 
5. Tawa Tawa plant might help. 

In the Philippines, many patients are using Tawa Tawa plants to treat dengue. The Department of Health is still studying the effectiveness of this plant, and has raised concern over the possibility of toxicity with over dosage. However, doctors would usually allow patients to drink it if you ask their permission first.


Here's how to prepare Tawa Tawa: 

1 Take 5 whole Tawa Tawa plants;
2 Cut off the roots, then wash and clean;
3 Boil Tawa Tawa in a pot of clean water;
4 Pour the liquid and then let cool;
5 Sip 1 glass 3 to 4 times a day.

But remember, always consult your doctor first before undergoing any treatment. Our infectious disease specialists are still your best bet to get cured from dengue. Take care!

Please NOTE that the Department of Health (DOH) says tawa-tawa is “not enough for critical dengue patients, and urges oral rehydration therapy.”

It must also be noted that “there is a large difference between cases of dengue without hemorrhagic fever and those with, along with the 4 serotypes, recommended treatment may vary depending on the specific presentation of dengue.”

Scientific studies and tests, reports say, are being conducted to find out the health and medicinal benefits of Tawa Tawa.

Source: businessdiary

Monday, February 6, 2017

How to make the most poweful juices that naturally removes kidney stones and gallstones!

It is estimated that 1 in 10 people experience kidney stones at some point in their life. Recent studies confirmed that the incidence of kidney stones is higher than it was in the previous years.

What exactly are kidney stones?

The formation of kidney stones occur when there are more crystal-forming substances in the urine such as calcium, cystine, xanthine, phosphate, urate oxalate and uric acid, than the fluid in your urine can dilute.

Usually, these chemicals are removed in the urine by the kidneys.

The proper amount of water eliminates these chemicals and prevents the forming of kidney stones.

Tiny stones can move out of the body in the urine without triggering too much pain. But, those that do not move could cause a back-up of urine in the bladder, ureter, kidney, or urethra, thus triggering the pain.

There are many factors which can contribute to the forming of kidney stones such as not drinking enough water, excessive consumption of too salty/sweet foods, obesity, increased/insufficient exercise, etc. Sometimes, genes or microbe infections can be the cause of kidney stones.

Also, eating too much fructose can increase the risk of the occurrence of kidney stones. Fructose can be found in table glucose and high-fructose corn syrup.

In order to prevent the formation of kidney stones, you should drink plenty of filtered water and other liquids

What else to do to avoid kidney stone formation?

It is recommended to avoid:

Foods with high oxalate content
Foods with high sodium content
Foods saturated in calcium
Peanuts, hazelnuts, instant tea, almonds, dark-colored tea, whole wheat bread, soybeans, rhubarb, beans, chocolate, potatoes, beets, cashews, soy dairy, and spinach
Reduce the consumption of animal protein food
Helpful tips:

- Make sure to drink 1 glass of water before going to bed, and throughout the night time (if you are awake)

- Potassium dissolves kidney stones

- Patients with kidney stones are often recommended to consume a lot of watermelons as they contain more water compared to other fruits, which means that they can stimulate the elimination of kidney stones.

-- Lemons contain citric acid which can break up calcium mineral crystals.

- And also it is very important to drink a lot of water and citrus juices!

Natural juice for kidney stones

Needed Ingredients:

1 peeled and organic orange
1 organic apple
1 organic lemon
4 slices of organic watermelon
4 ice cubes
Blend all the ingredients well, and that is it! Your juice is ready!

Gallstones and natural ways to eliminate gallstones

The gallbladder is the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine.

The bile assists in the digestion of food. Certain health issues require removing the gallbladder. Even though this will not affect digestion, some individuals often experience diarrhea and excess fat malabsorption.

So, before deciding to do a surgery, we recommend you to try some natural remedies which can help you to eliminate the gallstones and relieve the symptoms which include vomiting, indigestion, nausea, abs and shoulder pain.

1. Vegetable juice

Mix beet, cucumber and carrot juice. Consume this drink two times a day.

2. Lemon juice

Mix the juice of 4 lemons with water, since pure lemon juice is too strong. Consume this drink every day on an empty stomach, before your breakfast. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

3. Turmeric

You should mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric and honey. This drink will help to effectively dissolve your gallstones

4. Epsom salt

Put 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of warm water and consume this drink every day, before going to bed.

5. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have rich content of pectin, which is known for its ability to dissolve gallstones.

6. Apple juice and apple cider vinegar

Apples contain components which can dissolve gallstones. Apple cider vinegar is also extremely effective. It can regulate the bad cholesterol which can cause gallstones.

This cure can provide instant relief of the pain caused by gallstones.

1 glass organic apple juice
1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar
Mix these two and consume this drink once a day.

If your gallstone dissolved, continue to eat apples or you can also make apple sauce: blend the apples with shredded beets, 2 tablespoons of essential olive oil and a little amount of lemon juice.

7. Lemon juice

Besides consuming your lemon water throughout the day, there is another remedy for gallstones which also includes lemon:

Needed Ingredients:

-- 30ml olive juice
-- 30ml fresh lemon juice
-- 5g organic and natural garlic paste

Just mix all the ingredients and your drink is ready. Consume this drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, for 40 days.

8. Herbal tea

Herbs are known for their health-boosting properties, so it is recommended to drink a cup of St John’s Wort tea a few times a day. Boil some water then just add 4-5 leaves.

Source/ References: fitbodycenter

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