Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Mix coconut oil, turmeric and ginger, drink before going to sleep. You will not believe the results even after one night.

Every night before we go to sleep, we all  feel full and heavy and have upset bellies. Of course this feeling is ‘normal’ if we eat too much after a night out or at home for dinner.

Indigestion before going to bed can lead to insomnia, acid reflux and heartburn. Fortunately we can fix this problem with a natural remedy made from coconut milk, ginger and turmeric. these ingredients help soothe inflammation. This mixture prevents heartburn and improves the digestion.


- Detoxification of the liver
- It thins the blood and Improves blood flow
- Helps treat arthritis
- Is an anti-inflammation agent
- Cures cancer in early stage
- Soothes upset digestive processes
- Stops ulcer from forming
- Treats fevers and eases pain
- Less pain and fevers

The Turmeric is a great anti-inflammation agent, protects the belly from ulcers and eases digestion problems

The Black pepper makes curcuma absorbing better.

The Honey  is rich with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino. It helps improve digestion and soothes irritation In bowels.

The Coconut milk has a numerous healthy and antimicrobial fats, which stop bacteria related digestion problems



 1 tbsp honey
 2 cups coconut milk
 1 tsp turmeric 
 1 tsp power ginger or 1 inch sliced ginger  
 ¼ tsp pepper ground


Put all the ingredient except the honey in a bowl, but NOT the honey, stir and pour in a pan. Cook slowly on a low heat for about 5 minutes and then add the honey.

Source: organichealthuniverse

One cup a day and you will burn the fat like a miracle!

Lose your weight and reduce the fat of your belly with this simple drink. It is made of cucumber, ginger, and lemon.


Mint leaves (10)
Fresh ginger
Lemon (1)
Filtered water (8 cups)
Cucumber (1)


Wedge the cucumber and the lemon and add them to the water then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix the ingredients together and put them in the fridge over the night.

The lemon will boost your immune system and it will cleanse your body from toxins, the cucumber will hydrate you and the mint helps with digestion.

This tasty drink will really help you to lose weight.

Source; healthyrecipeshome

Remove body scars of any tissue in less than month time

Every tissue that has a scar will make you feel unconfident and less attractive. But with natural cures you can make those scars disappear forever or at least fade a lot.

You might be fooled to think only lasers can solve this issue but that is not the case. It goes the same for surgeries, lotions, expensive creams and treatments and more.

Some of these work but they will cost a fortune and require a lot of time and visits to those offices. Also, some may leave side effects forever.

With natural cures you can try and  fade the scars and save money too.

You need:

Olive oil ¼ cup
Honey 1 tbsp
Lavender oil 4 drops
Coconut oil ¼ cup
Method and use:

Get a pan and add the coconut in it. Put it on medium heat and add the lavender now. Then add the olive oil and honey and with wooden spoon mix and stir. Then when all is heated up, remove off heat and let it cool. When it is cooled, refrigerate for 20 min. then the cream is ready after this. Store it in some jar and use it in mornings and at night too. After regular use, you can see visible results after just a month!

Source: healthylifeidea

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tropical extract kills 80 percent of breast cancer cells!

New research shows that the fruit of a tropical vine may help fight breast cancer.

The study comes from Dr. Ratna Ray, a professor of pathology at St. Louis University. She specializes in studying the regulation of cell growth.

And while the results of her study, published in the journal Cancer Research, are preliminary… they are also very promising.

“Our result was encouraging,” she says. The extract “significantly induced death in breast cancer cells.” She also says it stopped breast cancer cells from growing and spreading.

Two Percent Concentration Kills Cancer Cells

The tropical extract comes from the fruit of the bitter melon. Like its name, the fruit is indeed bitter, but still edible.

In her study, Dr. Ray applied a two percent bitter melon extract to breast cancer cells. She found that this was the minimum amount needed to kill a significant number of breast cancer cells. In fact, at that concentration, the extract killed 80 percent of breast cancer cells.

Further research published in the journal Anticancer Research offers more insight into how bitter melon may work. It attacks the HER2 gene that makes breast cancer aggressive. Once it impacts the gene… the tumor can no longer grow.

Dr. Ray plans on testing her extract on animals next. If those results are positive, she’ll move to human trials.

“There have been significant advances in breast cancer treatment,” she says. “However, women continue to die of the disease and new treatment strategies are essential.”

Where to Find Bitter Melon

You can get bitter melon as a supplement in tablet or capsule form. There is no doctor-recommended dose at this time. However, manufacturers of the supplement recommend 500 mg per day.

You can also purchase bitter melon raw at Asian grocery stores. Experts say you can eat one small raw melon per day to see the same benefits as a supplement.

Bitter melon offers an additional health benefit. It has also been shown to lower your blood sugar levels.

The fruit is generally regarded as safe. In animal studies, the only adverse reaction was hypoglycemia. That happens when blood sugar levels fall too low. So be especially careful if you’re on diabetic medications.

Source: letsgohealthy

Remove phlegm of lungs and coughs using this amazing old remedy!

This remedy is the best for coughs and mucus. It has just natural items and has no side effects unlike meds and drugs. The recipe is good for both kids and adults.

NOTE: use just fresh carrots for more benefits.


- Better immunity
- Better heart health
- Less bad LDL cholesterol
- Better skin
- Better detox
- Good eyesight

You need:

½ kg carrots
4 tbsp honey

Peel the carrots, boil them and make them soft. Keep their water from the boiling. Add the water and carrots and honey in blender. Make smooth mash. Add this in jar and refrigerate.

Consume 3 tbsp daily and after 2 days see results.

Source: movingtoorganic

Removal of face spots in just 3 nights using potato and other ingredients!

Here you can see the best way to use some recipes for brightening skin and removing spots of the face. The cures are all natural and have no side effects.

Lemon juice and potato– you need 1 potato and ½ lemon juice. Mash the potato, then get lemon juice and mix these. Apply on the face and massage in circle movements. After 20 min, rinse with water. These items make skin whiter and bleached.

Onion and potato– get ½ onion and 1 potato. Mix the items in blender, apply on the face and after 15 min rinse with cold water.

Cucumber and potato– get ½ cucumber and 1 potato. Mix the veggies in blender and clean the face. Put this mask and rub in circle motions. After 25 min rinse with cool water.

Carrot and potato– get ½ carrot and 1 potato. Like before, mix them in blender and apply on clean face. After 20 min, wash with water.

Use these masks regularly for amazing skin!

Source: healthylifevision

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wi-Fi: A silent killer that kills us slowly

Here in the modern day and age, we are all addicts to internet. This is even simpler now with the use of wifi. Now we can surf online in any place, spot, city, country regardless the conditions.

But, as far as our safety goes, companies that make the wifi routers have to follow strict norma for the health toward us, from their devices. Still, we can reveal some facts about the wireless devices safety on the wifi routers:

We have to see how the device is connected to the router with no use of cables. Wireless devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets) all have and emit WLAN signals or electro magnetic waves and they go to the router. These loop signals are unhealthy for us in many ways. Even the British Health Agency confirmed that these signals harm both humans and animals.

The bad sides of wifi exposing are:

- Focus problems
- Frequent and harsh headaches
- Ear pains
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems

Still, we know that we cannot all the way change these new technologies. So, we won’t advise you to avoid internet all the time, but at least see these good advice for reducing the bad effects of this matter:

Disconnect wifi before you sleep
Never keep the router in kitchen or bedroom
At home, use phones with cables for less electro magnet waves
Wifi is turned off when not in use to prevent such waves around children.

Source: goodmorningcenter